Hannington’s wins Men’s Softball League title


In an epic battle lasting seven games and then extra innings on another day, Hannington’s outlasted Halfway Café by a final score of 26-25 to claim the 2012 Canton Men’s Softball League championship.

Hannington’s finished the year at 32-5 overall, including 3-0 in the preseason, 20-1 in the regular season, and 9-4 in the playoffs. The talented squad, sponsored by Canton Attorney Glenn Hannington, finished the regular season with 86 extra-base hits, 36 homeruns, and had four players who hit over .700 and another four who hit over .600.

The team plans to donate all of its winnings to the Jay Metzger Fund, named after a former Hannington’s softball player who has Gullain-Barre Syndrome, a paralyzing condition in which the body’s own immune system attacks the nervous system.  A special fundraiser, “Much Love for the Metzgers,” will be held on Saturday, September 29, at noon at the Norton VFW. For more information, go to www.muchloveforthemetzgers.com.

Above: (front row, l-r) Bill Murray, Jeff Shea, Jon Medeiros, Paul Medeiros; (back row, l-r) Marc Alberts, team founder Glen Hannington, player-manager Greg Lyons, Chris Bell, Ryan Collins, Kyle Yasi, Josh Goodrich (missing from photo) Kevin Aufiero and AJ Nichols

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