Legal Notices
The Citizen regularly publishes legal notices to advertise town hearings, probate matters, mortgagee sales, and more. For all private matters (wills, name changes, foreclosures, etc.), the current rate for legal notices is $28 per column inch — sizes vary considerably depending on the type of notice.
Requesting publication: The process for publishing any type of legal notice in the Canton Citizen is straightforward and hassle-free.
- Email a copy of your notice (jpg, pdf) to
- Review and confirm receipt of your proof
- Complete online prepayment via email direct link
- Await your proof of publication (tearsheet) via U.S. mail or email
For probate notices: The Citizen can publish informal notices as required by the Probate Court for wills/estates with addresses in Canton and in several other nearby towns. Click here for an updated list of acceptable newspapers by city/town in Norfolk County.
Previously published notices: Visit and select “Canton Citizen” in the drop-down list of publications. You can further refine your search by typing keyword(s) and/or selecting a specific date range.
Current week legal notices (February 20 edition):
Previous week legal notices (February 13 edition):