Indivisible Canton: Vote Yes on Question 2


Dear Editor:

More than 80 percent of the American people think that big money in politics is one of the biggest problems affecting our democracy. Control of our political and legal systems by big money interests must be eliminated if we want to see significant progress on the critical issues that our country faces. This is not an easy problem to resolve, but it can be done, and the alternative is simply not acceptable.

On Tuesday, November 6, Massachusetts voters will have an opportunity to begin to take back control of our democracy. Indivisible Canton worked to gather signatures to put this question on the ballot, and we are working to help it pass.

Ballot question No. 2 asks voters if they support the following measures:

* Urging our legislators taking an active role in helping to overturn Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission (CU vs. FEC), the disastrous 2010 Supreme Court decision that effectively eliminated limits on corporate campaign spending and requirements for candidates to disclose campaign contribution sources.

* Establishing a 15-member committee to monitor “dark money” activity in Massachusetts and to work with legislators to eliminate it.

If you want to help send a clear message that continuing to allow big money in politics is unacceptable, then please vote ‘Yes’ on Question 2, and encourage others to do the same. Similar efforts are underway in many other states.

When grassroots efforts like this result in two-thirds of federal House and Senate members approving the overturning of CU vs. FEC, this will pave the way for a constitutional amendment. To date, there have been 27 amendments to the constitution, seven of which superseded rulings by the Supreme Court.

It is a difficult process, but this issue has more national popular support than any of the other seven amendments that overturned SCOTUS rulings. Therefore, saying “there’s nothing you can do” isn’t true.

Voting ‘Yes on 2’ on Tuesday, November 6, is an important first step that you can take. Learning more about the issue and discussing it with others is another. For more information, you can visit

See you at the polls!

Denise Falbo on behalf of Indivisible Canton

H/T Andrew Bloom and Yes on 2

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