Man About Canton: Lions 33rd Annual Country Breakfast coming up
By Joe DeFeliceDID YOU KNOW…
The Canton Lions Club will hold its 33rd annual Lions Country Breakfast on Sunday, March 28 (Palm Sunday) from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Canton High School cafeteria. Tickets are $6.50 for adults and $4.50 for children and seniors. Proceeds will go to benefit eye research and blindness prevention as well as other Lions’ charities. One free kid’s meal per family will be allowed with a coupon, and the Easter bunny will be on hand for the festivities.
Our Chinese friends recently celebrated their Lunar New Year, and this year began the year of the tiger. How did their calendar years become named for 12 animals, you ask? One legend says that Buddha invited all the animals in the kingdom to a meeting and great banquet. The animals’ places in the Chinese Zodiac depends on when they arrived at the meeting and banquet. The tiger is the third sign in the 12-year cycle behind the rat and the ox, followed by the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, and the pig. People born during the year of the tiger are thought to be sensitive, sympathetic, deep thinkers who can be short-tempered and have problems with authority. They are also described as suspicious, courageous, and powerful.
Congratulations to Canton High senior and hockey state champion Billy Duggan, who has been nominated for appointment to the United States Naval Academy by Congressman Stephen Lynch. Billy is the son of Thomas and Catherine Duggan.
According to the Society of American Florists, 48 percent of Valentine’s Day floral arrangements were sent to spouses, and 27 percent were sent to mothers. Interestingly, 8 percent of buyers, nearly all of them women, sent flowers to themselves. MAC wonders what that means.
Food addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) meets every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 25 North Main Street in Sharon. The meetings are for anyone suffering from food addiction, food obsession, overeating, obesity, bulimia, and/or anoxia. Meetings are free and there are no dues, no fees, and no weigh-ins. For more information, call Elissa at 781-784-1468, or visit
MAC was happy to learn from a recent issue of the Salem News that William Hanney, owner of a chain of movie theaters, has purchased the shuttered North Shore Music Theater in Beverly for $3.6 million and hopes to stage his first shows this summer.
The Norfolk Country Registry of Deeds will hold an informational seminar on computer-assisted land records research at the registry on Thursday, March 25, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The seminar is for both real estate professionals and the general public. To register, call 781-461-6104 or email Include your name, address, and a daytime phone number.
STARS Community Theatre will stage “Rent” in May at the United Church of Christ in Canton. Performances will be on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 14, 15, and 16. Tickets are now on sale and cost $15 for adults and $10 for students and senior citizens. A limited number of tickets will be sold at the door.
Minneapolis-based SuperValu, Inc. is selling all 18 of its Shaw’s Supermarkets in Connecticut. However, the West Bridgewater-based Shaw’s will continue to operate its 176 stores in the five other New England states.
The Canton Fire Department has received a $22,000 FEMA firefighters’ assistance grant, which will be used to train all Canton firefighters in the safe operation of emergency vehicles. The training will include classroom and hands-on training on the department’s apparatuses.
Television Channel 7 (WHDH) sold about 90 percent of its available ad inventory for the two-and-a-half weeks of the Vancouver Olympics, and it is estimated that at least $5 million in ad revenue was earned by WHDH during the Olympics at $10,000 to $20,000 for 30-second spots.
Speaking of TV advertisements, you might be interested to learn that according to IBIS World, there were 62 30-second commercial slots during the recent Super Bowl; and this year, they sold for $2.6 million each.
Congratulations to Chris Flynn of Canton, coach of the Blue Hills Regional girls’ basketball team for the past 32 years, who won his 400th victory at the school. The team also clinched the school’s fourth straight Mayflower League Division 2 championship. Chris is also an excellent softball player in the Canton Over 30 League and Men’s Over 50 League. However, the Blue Hills girls’ basketball team’s domination of the Mayflower League for four consecutive years isn’t the only outstanding accomplishment at the Canton school. The Blue Hills boys’ hockey team recently won its 12th straight Mayflower League title. The other teams in the league must be getting tired of it all.
Finally, Canton Girl Scout troop 4644 is hosting a bingo from 2-4 p.m. on Sunday, March 21 in the St. John’s gym. The cost is $5 per player.
Too many people confine their exercise to “jumping” to conclusions, “running” up bills, “stretching” the truth, “bending” over backward, “lying” down on the job, “sidestepping” responsibility, and “pushing” their luck.
This is all for now folks; see you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
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