Boys’ track team dedicates season to George King


First-year CHS boys’ track coach Ben Mattson said the 2010 season is being dedicated to George King, who passed away last week. A longtime coach and physical education instructor at CHS, King fought hard for the outdoor track facility at CHS and is credited with developing the sport — and many good track athletes — at CHS. Mattson and assistant coach Peter Boucher talked to the near 100-member squad this week about how King valued track at CHS and how important it is for each track member to wear the Canton track uniform with pride.

After two weeks of practice, Mattson said he likes what he sees in this year’s team. He noted the top talent in sprinters Jordan Guyton, Jon Vaughn and Marty Fauche, and the strength of high jumper Matt Sidney and long distance runner Christian Bates. Team captains are Fauche, Bates and Gautam Madineedi.        

“My first impressions is that we have a lot of talent, but we also have a lot of work to do,” Mattson said. “This program is headed in the right direction.”

Mattson ran the 800 and 1,000-meter events at Coyle Cassidy in Taunton and also coached track and cross county at the high school. He is graduating from Bridgewater State College with a major in exercise science. Mattson’s assistant coach is Jeff Golder, who will be working with the sprinters and jumpers.

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