Hockomock League to debut divisional format this fall
By Mike BergerThe Hockomock League will have a distinctly new look this year when sports get underway next month, with a new school, Attleboro, coming into the fold, along with the debut of two five-team divisions based on enrollment figures. The new format will impact most varsity sports at Canton High School; however, the football schedule will be largely unchanged from previous seasons.
The Small School Davenport Division will include Canton, Sharon, Stoughton, Oliver Ames, and Foxboro. The Large School Kelley Rex Division will include Mansfield, Attleboro, North Attleboro, King Philip, and Franklin.
For most sports, including golf, field hockey, soccer, basketball, hockey, baseball, tennis, and lacrosse, the small school members will play each divisional opponent twice (home and away) and play each member of the large school division once for a total of 13 games.
The 14th contest, called a “showdown game,” will determine final standings for both divisions. The first-place teams will play each other, as will the second, third, fourth, and fifth-place teams. The schedule will still allow for non-league games as well.
According to CHS Athletic Director Danny Erickson, the showdown game is unique in Massachusetts high school league scheduling and should provide for some excitement.
For football scheduling, the small and large school format will not be a factor this season. Earlier this year, the MIAA had considered eliminating traditional leagues altogether in favor of new groupings based on enrollment and geography, but the so-called Burkhead plan, named after former CHS football coach and Plymouth North athletic director Bill Burkhead, was rejected by the majority of the member schools.
Erickson said CHS administrators strongly supported the plan, but the vote was taken late last spring and did not leave enough time for the Hockomock League to address small and large school scheduling for football. There was also no guarantee that the new format would have been approved as many of the Hock’s larger schools have voiced their opposition to a divisional split in the past.
The Burkhead plan could return for a vote this coming year, and Erickson is hoping for some major changes in league scheduling for next year.
CHS football will feature an 11-game schedule this year with two non-league games against Weston (away on September 11) and North Quincy (home on September 16). Other home games include King Philip, Sharon, Franklin, Oliver Ames, and Mansfield. Away games include Attleboro, North Attleboro, Foxboro, and Stoughton on Thanksgiving Day.
Swimming, wrestling, cross country, and indoor and outdoor track will play each Hockomock team once and there will be two league champions.
Erickson said for the most part, except for football scheduling, the new format solves the league’s enrollment disparity. “One thing you can’t control is the number of kids in your school,” he said. “I can remember a few years ago when there were only 52 boys in the senior class while a team like Franklin had a senior class of 200 boys. I have been fighting hard to get something like this since I became AD six years ago.”
The other major change this year involves academic eligibility. Students will not be permitted to participate in any activity or sport if they receive more than one failing grade in a major academic class per marking term. Eligibility requirements for the first term will be based on a student’s final grades from the previous academic year. Erickson said he strongly supports the revised policy because it raises the bar on academic standards.
“I think it sends the wrong message if you are allowed to play and you have failed two courses,” he said.
Despite significant budget constraints, all sports were kept intact this year, although the sports user fee has increased from $100 to $125 per sport with a family cap of $500.
Two new coaches will also be making their CHS debuts this fall: Paul Turner as the girls’ varsity soccer coach and Val Baker as the head cheerleading coach. Erickson said Turner has a wealth of coaching experience, having formerly coached at Dennis Yarmouth. Baker is a CHS alum and former cheerleader. Erickson also plans to name a head baseball and wrestling coach soon.
Erickson said he hopes to gain more feedback and input from parents and students this year through surveys and meetings to promote a more open environment.
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