Cash capital outlook improves after Fire Dept. reduces requests
By Mike BergerSelectmen received some better financial news this week after the town’s finance director and the fire chief pared down the Fire Department’s capital requests, lessening the amount selectmen must cut from the overall capital plan for next year.
A week ago, selectmen were looking at cutting $219,000 of $651,000 in capital requests submitted by all municipal department heads. Next year’s budget will only allow for $432,000 in cash capital requests.
But after discussions with Finance Director Jim Murgia, Fire Chief Charlie Doody decided to fund some of the items using the ambulance revolving account and defer some items for another year, leaving just three requests: lease payments of $11,000 each on a pickup truck and two Ford Explorers. As a result, selectmen must only reduce the overall capital budget by $143,000.
The bulk of the Police Department’s $216,000 in requests was for four police cruisers at a cost of $37,000 each. Police Chief Ken Berkowitz also requested $30,000 for replacement weapons, $20,000 for a communications console, $13,000 for a license plate scanner, and $5,000 for bullet resistant vests.
The DPW requested an engineer’s copier and scanner, $19,000; replacement of a dump truck, $64,000; replacement of a truck, $55,000; a cemetery mower, $10,000; and a cemetery utility vehicle, $9,000.
The Finance Department requested replacement of two financial servers, $14,000; a MUNIS database upgrade, $17,000; and replacement of a Town Hall copier, $14,000.
The Council of Aging requested one item: replacement of a 2003 van with a handicapped lift, $53,000. Recreation Department requests included swimming pool repairs, $15,000; sod replacement at the Massasoit Field, $10,000; and Kennedy School outdoor basketball repairs, $7,000. Library requests included the purchase of digital books, $10,000; building and ground improvements, $10,000; and a microfilm scanner, $7,000.
Selectmen hope to make some kind of budget decision at their next meeting on Tuesday, December 21. They will also have a joint meeting with the Recreation Department to discuss whether the town should raise money for a July 4 celebration or for the annual Homecoming Block Party.
In other news, Brendan Connelly of Verizon advised selectmen not to relocate a utility pole near 440 Bolivar Street because of ledge problems and because of the need to relocate a guide wire on private property. The issue arose during the recent repaving of Bolivar Street. Connelly said the utility pole does not pose a safety risk at its existing location. He added that Verizon would not pay for the relocation costs. Selectmen will take the matter under advisement for four months to see if the repaving clears up the issue and will also talk to neighboring residents.
Selectmen voted to appoint Douglas Fitzgerald Connolly to the position of firefighter/paramedic to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Paul Close. They also appointed Kerry Ann Callahan Mofford to the Youth Commission.
Selectmen approved a license for NCT Gold Buyers, located at 525 Washington Street in Canton Center. The shop will buy, sell, and repair precious metals.
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