DID YOU KNOW … The 2011 Canton Annual Town Meeting gets underway at 7:30 p.m. this coming Monday evening, April 25, at the Morse Auditorium at Canton High School, and voters will be able to discuss and vote on several important and controversial warrant articles. Canton has the open town meeting form of government, which […]
CHA making the most of limited resources Submitted by the Housing Authority The Canton Housing Authority’s executive director serves in many capacities at the state level, which has helped get funding for many important projects. On the Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (MassNAHRO), he serves as the vice president […]

Canton High School held its junior prom at the Lake View Pavilion in Foxboro on Friday, April 15. Pictured from left to right are Haley Gaughan, Stephanie Rizzitano, Tara Saraf, Becky Lazaro, Alysa Healy, Sam Findlen and Kolleen White. Photo submitted by Pam Gaughan. Check out the photo gallery for additional prom photos.
Apr 20 2011 | Posted in
Uncategorized | By
Canton Citizen

Canton High School held its junior prom at the Lake View Pavilion in Foxboro on Friday, April 15. Have a prom photo to share? Send it to submissions@thecantoncitizen.com.
Apr 20 2011 | Posted in
Photo Gallery | By
Canton Citizen

The Canton Fire and Police departments conducted a joint, simulated mass casualty incident drill at the Galvin Middle School on April 2. The scenario played out was a school bus accident with multiple patients injured. Students from Canton High School, the Galvin Middle School, Xaverian Brothers and Catholic Memorial volunteered to act as patients. The […]
Apr 14 2011 | Posted in
Police & Fire | By
Canton Citizen
Saddled with a total budget deficit of $1.57 million and with just over $920,000 left to cut, the Canton School Committee plodded through its list of suggested reductions over three-plus hours last week, managing to trim another $573,000 but leaving the most painful decisions for tonight’s meeting, which starts at 7 in the CHS distance […]
Apr 14 2011 | Posted in
Schools | By
Jay Turner
Town Clerk Tracy Kenney will be meeting with library director Mark Lague to see if the library staff will be able to take over issuing passports now that the U.S. Department of State has ruled that town clerks’ offices can no longer handle the function. Town Administrator Bill Friel explained to selectmen Tuesday night that […]
Apr 14 2011 | Posted in
Town Government | By
Mike Berger
For the tenth year, the Dean S. Luce School will sponsor its annual Fun Run on May 1. The event includes two fun runs and a 5K race, which all start from the Luce School at 45 Independence Street. The day’s events kick off at 10 a.m. with a half-mile fun run on a course […]
Apr 14 2011 | Posted in
Schools | By
Jeffrey Cattel

The Canton U16 Cobras team won the gold medal at a 16A juniors volleyball tournament on April 3. (Front row) Liz Korycansky, Abbey Willis, Kaitlin Phillips, Ellie Teague, and Erin Proctor; (back row) Alex Walsh, Lizzy Doherty, Lindsey Arthur, Jackie Bornemann, and Coach Diane Beauchamp
Apr 14 2011 | Posted in
Photo Gallery | By
Canton Citizen