Luce playground almost ready for community build
By Mike BergerEileen Chaput of the Luce School CAPT informed selectmen Tuesday night that private fundraising for a new playground is almost complete and a community build could commence this summer. Once completed, it will be transferred to the town and made available to the entire community.
The CAPT has raised nearly $32,000 since September 2010, and Chaput said the group needs a bit more to pay for mulch and to clear a path. The new playground will be built near the right field area of the school ball field. Once the equipment has been purchased, a call for an all-volunteer build will be announced and the volunteers will be supervised by a professional installer. The community effort will save the CAPT a substantial amount on labor costs.
Those interested in volunteering should contact Chaput at Selectmen applauded the efforts of the CAPT, and Selectman John Connolly, whose child goes to the Luce, added that the organization is one of the things that “makes Canton the great town that it is.”
Also on Tuesday, Connolly, who has been a selectman for 22 years, was chosen to replace Victor Del Vecchio as board chairman. Avril Elkort was named vice chairman and Sal Salvatori was named clerk.
In other news:
* Salvatori provided an update on the town takeover of Reservoir Pond and dam, which voters unanimously approved at the recent annual town meeting. Salvatori said the pond’s current owners — the Napleton Company — have submitted repair plans to the state Office of Dam Safety, and if approved, Napleton will move forward with the repairs this summer. The repairs must then pass state and local inspection before the transfer can be finalized.
* The Halfway Cafe received permission from selectmen to open earlier on Sunday morning and serve brunch and alcoholic beverages. Selectmen said they would consider other restaurant applications to open early for Sunday brunch on a case-by-case basis.
* Unity Feeds, located at 626 Washington Street, transferred its beer and wine license to Bay State Wine & Spirits, which will open at 2740R Washington Street, across the street from Trinity Episcopal Church.
* Economic Development Commission Chairman Gene Manning said it is very likely that the LoJack Corp. of Westwood will move its corporate offices to 40 Pequot Way, the former headquarters of Tweeter Home Entertainment. The deal could be finalized within the next few weeks.
* Town Finance Director Jim Murgia reported that the savings the town will receive from refinancing $6 million in bonds from 2001 will be greater than the $60,000 reported last week. Murgia said the actual interest savings will be $760,000 over the next 10 years.
* Selectmen appointed Robert Panico and Dina Kazis-Panico as members of the Youth Commission and Thomas Liddy as a member of the Conservation Commission.
* Town Administrator Bill Friel announced that the town has reached agreements with both the firefighters’ union and the AFSCME Council 93, Local 362, which covers many administrative employees in various town departments. Friel said selectmen do not want to release any details of the agreements until all union negotiations have been settled. Negotiations with other municipal and school unions are currently ongoing.
* The fifth grade Community Problem Solvers are hosting a self-guided tour of some of Canton’s historic sites on Sunday, May 15, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the following locations: Canton Historical Society, Canton Viaduct, Tilden House, Bradley Estate and Blue Hills Observatory. Students Ben Cohen, Theo Bollenbach, Aidas Jakubenas and Bryan Healey told selectmen they are conducting this project to make residents aware of the importance of local history. The reigning state champions, they will be competing in the International Problem Solving competition in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, in June. For further information about the tour, contact the team at The rain date for the tour is Sunday, May 22.
* Selectmen will next meet on Tuesday, May 17, at 7 p.m.
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