Special thank you to town meeting boards
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
I wanted to take a moment to recognize the commitment that the town officials of Canton have to the well being of the town. As many of you know, town meeting can be a very contentious time as boards work hard to present their views of our best course of action as a community. Often, in preparation and on town meeting floor, we disagree on the best route. This can sometimes lead to hard feelings and, worse, a lack of future communication.
In a continued display of solidarity, members of the School Committee, Finance Committee, Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Capital Planning Committee (as well as some great town employees who help us do our jobs) met at the Turnpike Café on Wednesday night for the second annual Town Meeting After-Party. We came together, set our differences of opinion aside, laughed and told stories of days gone by. Don’t worry, no business was discussed, but we were happy to see the Bruins take a 3-0 series lead on the Flyers (just like we did last year at the first annual Town Meeting After-Party).
With the financial challenges facing the nation, state and community, it’s wonderful to see hardworking local officials sit back and say, “We can disagree without being disagreeable.” To everyone who attended: Thank you and I look forward to working together to keep Canton a wonderful place to live!
Mark J. Porter, CFP
Vice Chairman, Finance Committee
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