Heavy drilling equipment coming to Standish Drive
By Mike BergerHeavy drilling equipment will be out on Standish Drive over the next two weeks as the next section of a water main installation is connected along Elm Street. The work is part of a summer-long project to connect the MWRA outlet on Dedham Street to the entire length of Elm Street. Previously, this section of town was serviced by the town of Milton.
David Peeling of SEA Consultants told selectmen that to this point, a pipe has been connected from the MWRA outlet across to the vacant Cumberland Farms property. An underground pipe is now ready to be connected from that property, under the Route 95 bridge, to the entrance of Standish Drive — a distance of 900 feet. Heavy equipment will begin drilling the connection sometime next week and will continue for about eight to 10 days. The entire Elm Street project will last another four weeks.
Peeling told selectmen that drilling will occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. There will be no interruption of water service to Standish Drive, and residents and emergency vehicles will have access to the street. Project officials have met with residents, and arrangements have been made to have residents contact officials on a 24-hour basis, if needed.
In other news:
* The owner of the Chubby Chickpea, located in downtown Canton near the intersection with Bolivar Street, requested the board’s support to place two tables and chairs on town property outside of their restaurant during the warm weather months.
Selectmen were receptive to the request and would like to see the zoning board grant a temporary permit to see if the idea could work. Selectman Victor Del Vecchio said this was the type of activity that they had envisioned as part of the downtown revitalization project. However, selectmen said they would like to see conditions set, including hours of operation, insurance liability and maintenance. If approved, this request could set a precedent for other restaurants in the downtown area.
* Selectmen congratulated the efforts of the recreation, fire, police and public works departments, as well as any other town department involved with Monday’s July 4th celebration. Selectmen said it was a great event and Selectman Avril Elkort said the recreation, fire and police departments did “yeomen’s work” in a new setting. Selectman Sal Salvatori said he was impressed to see both Fire Chief Charlie Doody and Police Chief Ken Berkowitz mingling and chatting with residents, noting that Berkowitz was even out on the street directing traffic.
* Selectmen accepted with regret the resignation of Council on Aging outreach worker Diane Brady, who will leave her position effective August 1.
* Sean Fallon was appointed as a paramedic for the Canton Fire Department on July 5.
* The Copeland Family Foundation donated $5,000 to be used for the town’s animal shelter.
* Larissa Voronova was issued a new Class II auto dealer’s license for Autocarsmart Sales & Leasing at 354 Turnpike Street.
* Canton Lodging LLC was awarded a hotel liquor license and a common victualler license for the new Homewood Suites by Hilton hotel on Royall Street. The extended-stay hotel, with suites featuring fully equipped kitchens, dishwashers and other amenities, plans to open in late August.
* Finance Director Jim Murgia received a certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association.
* Selectmen will next meet on Tuesday, July 19, at 7 p.m.
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