BOS chairman: All municipal contracts now settled
By Mike BergerSelectmen Chairman John Connolly confirmed earlier this week that all municipal contracts between the town and the unions have been settled and ratified for this fiscal year.
Connolly, however, said there is one caveat, which is referred to as the “me too” clause: If the Canton Teachers Association (CTA) settles for a wage increase, it will reopen negotiations for all the unions.
Connolly said the contracts with the department heads and all municipal employees — including police, fire, and DPW — are for one year with zero percent wage increases, beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012.
“I can’t stress enough how cooperative the unions have been with us,” Connolly said. “We don’t want to lay anyone off. They [the unions] understand the situation. I give them credit for working with us and understanding the fiscal reality the town is in.”
Connolly said the Board of Selectmen’s biggest fear is laying people off. “We would like to give people a raise,” he said, “but not at the expense of laying a person off. Everyone’s not happy about this, but the unions understand the situation. To this point, the spirit of cooperation among the unions has been amazing. They understand that everyone is equal.”
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