School Committee sets family cap on athletic user fee
By Mike BergerThe School Committee last week agreed on a $780 family cap on athletic user fees for the 2011-2012 school year, which begins on September 6. Earlier this year, committee members had voted to increase the user fee from $125 to $195 per student, which enabled them to save a handful of programs that had been slated for possible elimination.
The cap does not apply to additional fees for those athletes who choose ice hockey or swimming. Hockey players this year will be charged an extra $250 and swimmers an extra $50 to help offset pool and rink costs.
The committee also announced that those who cannot afford the athletic fees can apply for a waiver by completing the application for free or reduced school lunches. Superintendent Jeff Granatino estimated that nearly 320 students applied for this federal school lunch program during the past school year.
The committee rejected a proposal by fellow member Jill Stevens to have struggling families pay an amount depending on what they could afford. The consensus of the committee was that the decision was too personal and an extremely difficult one for families to make.
The fee for extracurricular activities will be decided at a future meeting.
In other news, Granatino reported that the bottom two floors of C building at the high school incurred significant water damage when a pipe feeding the sprinkler system burst on Friday evening, July 22. Despite the damage, Granatino said all would be in order for the opening of the building in September, and no school budget money will be needed for repairs.
The superintendent thanked the efforts of the Canton Fire Department as well as 10 school custodial and maintenance workers, headed by new Facilities Director Brian Lynch.
“If not for the Fire Department and maintenance staff, it could have been much worse,” said Granatino, adding that the floors were spared because they had recently been waxed by the custodial staff.
In addition to their cleanup efforts, school maintenance workers remained on the scene until the sprinkler system was reactivated the following morning. Workers from Servicemaster, a commercial disaster restoration service, continued cleanup efforts throughout the week.
Lynch, in his first report to the committee, indicated that roof repairs to the high school and the Rodman building were nearly complete, while construction on the new addition at the Kennedy was well underway. Lynch also said there would be an asbestos awareness training for maintenance workers and school administrators on August 19, beginning at 8 a.m.
In other news:
* The CHS Booster Club, headed by Tom Winchell and Kim White, is planning a special alumni flag football tournament at CHS on September 10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Winchell said the event is an effort to engage alumni while raising money for school athletic programs. Alumni from the classes of 1970-2006 are invited to participate. The event will also feature a helicopter golf ball drop in which prizes will be awarded to the owner of the ball landing closest and furthest from a bullseye target. The cost of a golf ball is $10. For more information, visit the Booster Club page on the CHS athletics website.
* Elisabeth Salisbury, the School Committee’s liaison to the Canton Youth Commission, reported that August 17 is the date for a meet-and-greet event at the town pool from 6-8 p.m. This event is for all students in grades 6-8, regardless of whether they attend Canton schools.
* The School Committee welcomed new principals Kimberly Sefrino (JFK) and Dr. William Conard (GMS). Dr. Conard, a Canton resident and a 1986 CHS graduate, said he is very excited to build on the successes of recently retired principal Tom LaLiberte. He noted that his father previously worked at the Galvin, and now it will be his goal to “make the Galvin work for each school child.”
Granatino thanked Jan Chamberlain and Meredith Carey for leading the Kennedy School until a new principal search was concluded. Chamberlain will now return to her position as the school’s assistant principal.
* The committee endorsed school improvement plans for both the JFK and Luce schools. Chamberlain and Sefrino reported to the committee about the success of the before-school Homework Club, funded by the federal Jobs bill; an MCAS prep program, and 30-minute intervention programs for students who need remediation or enrichment. Chamberlain also highlighted various school fundraisers held over the past year, while Sefrino reported on future math screenings for all students and a vocabulary enrichment program.
Remedial/enrichment programs and homework assistance were also part of the Luce School Improvement Plan reported by Principal Robie Peter. She also predicted improvement in the Grade 3 MCAS results and reported on a fourth grade art program with the Mass. Hospital School.
* The committee praised the efforts of Peter Boucher, the interim principal of the Hansen School, who brought students to Canton to help beautify various school grounds during a regional student wellness conference held at Stonehill College. It was also noted that a search is underway to fill Boucher’s previous position of K-12 wellness coordinator.
* The School Committee set Thursday, August 25, as the date for its next meeting.
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