Fix Grand Street!
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
I noticed the other day on my way to work that the town of Canton DPW was working on Everendon Road, off Walpole Street. A few days later I noticed that the town repaved Everendon Road.
Well, there is one street off Walpole Street that is one of the oldest streets in Canton, and the town has not done any work to this street since the early 70s when the town put in a new water main.
This street now needs work, but it is not on the repair list. It has potholes that could swallow a small child and rattle the front end of our cars.
This street used to have curbs on both sides, but years ago snow plows took care of them.
My mother has lived on this street all her life — 92 years — and if my mother trips or falls because of the cracks, potholes, etc. on Grand Street, the town of Canton won’t be buying any new trucks, or heavy equipment for the next 92 years.
Enough is enough: Fix Grand Street!
Joe Marinaro Jr.
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