Man About Canton: Remembering Good Times
By Joe DeFeliceDID YOU KNOW …
Canton DJ Gary Titus was recently featured in the “Inside Track” of the Boston Herald in a story detailing the decline of the summer weekend Cape Cod happy hours. A picture of Gary taken at Pufferbellies in Hyannis in the 1980s shows him smiling as he held court over a raucous happy hour crowd of sing-alongs, many of them from Canton.
As Gary said, “The whole musical thing of guys playing guitars and singing funny songs is gone.” There are no more happy hours. The once popular Mill Hill Cub, one of the original “Kings of Cape Cod,” where MAC’s daughter, Joanna, bartended during her college years in the 1990s, sits empty and abandoned on Route 28. As Gary went on to say, “It was a fun-loving time, and for me and many others, the greatest way to spend the summers in our early 20s.” MAC was older then, but he too can still remember the good old times at the Cape Cod summer happy hours.
In the good news department for seniors, the average monthly premium for Medicare’s popular prescription program will not go up next year. Medicare covers about 47 million seniors and disabled people and more than half rely on the prescription program, known as Part D.
NStar Electric and Gas Corporation recently gave notice to the town of Canton that it intends to apply herbicides along the length of its right of way.
In case you missed it, as of January 1, 2012, light bulb manufacturers can no longer make the beloved traditional 100-watt incandescent light bulbs. The following year will bring the elimination of the 75-watt, then the 65- and 40-watt bulbs as we know them. In its place will be the energy-efficient spiral compact fluorescent light bulbs that most people dislike. The law requiring the change was part of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The new law won’t ban all bulbs. Specialty products, including three-way bulbs, appliance bulbs, and those under 40 watts or over 150 watts are still okay, but not the bulbs that are most common in everyday use. As a result of this new law, consumers are starting to stockpile the incandescent light bulbs; and according to the Home Depot, sales are up by 10 and 20 percent from a year ago.
Dunkin’ Brands ended 2010 with 9,760 Dunkin’ Donuts shops and 6,433 Baskin Robbins shops in various locations across the United States and around the world, with sales totaling approximately $7.7 billion for the year. Dunkin’ Brands has made its headquarters in Canton since 2004.
A break in a water pipe that feeds the sprinkler system at Canton High School damaged about 20 rooms on two floors of Building C. The flood will not affect the start of the school year on September 6.
The average temperature for this past July was 77.3 degrees. There were 10 days above 90 this year, matching the number in 2010.
According to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in 2010, 8,296 high school students dropped out of school before earning their diploma.
MAC congratulates Fred Gladstone on his recent election as commander of the Canton American Legion Post 24. In one of Fred’s first acts, he invited the Legion baseball team and their friends to a sit-down dinner at the Legion Hall, which Fred paid for out of his own pocket. Fred is a well-known Cantonite and longtime retired police officer in the town of Easton.
The Canton High School Class of 1976 is hosting a “Bulldog Madness Golf Classic” at the Pine Oaks Golf Course in Easton on September 23, 2011, beginning at 12 p.m. There will be 18 holes of golf with a hot and cold buffet to follow at the American Legion Post 24. The cost is $95 per player, foursomes, and best ball scramble format. There will be awards for longest drive hole (male and female), closest to the pins (male and female), team awards, and raffles. To attend the buffet only, the cost is $15. All proceeds will go to establishing a scholarship fund for graduating Canton High School seniors. Corporate sponsors are greatly appreciated. For more information and sign-up forms, please email Rich Morganelli at
Someone who gets things started will usually get things finished.
This is all for now folks. See you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
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