Dear Editor: We want to extend a huge thank you to the Ricky 27 Foundation. The foundation contributed a grant that made it possible for one of our field hockey players, Cady Kelly, to participate with our club field hockey team in the National Field Hockey Festival in Virginia this past summer. With their help, Cady was able […]
Hazel E. Teague (Irving), 95, of Canton, passed away September 12 at the High Gate Manor in Dedham. Born and raised in Canton, she attended Canton schools and was a lifelong resident of the town. She worked for Manco School Supplies in Canton for 15 years before retiring in 1975 and was a member of […]
Sep 14 2011 | Posted in
Obituaries | By
Canton Citizen
Theresa A. “Sally” Jones (Fox), 79, of Canton, passed away September 8 at the Harrington House in Walpole after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Born and raised in South Boston, she had lived in Canton for the last 41 years. She dedicated her life to raising her children and being devoted to her family. […]
Sep 14 2011 | Posted in
Obituaries | By
Canton Citizen
Mary Jo Rines, 80, consummate artist, mother of three, and beloved by many, died peacefully on September 4, 2011, at her home in Weston after a brief but hard-fought battle against lung cancer. As a student, teacher and award-winning artist, she supported art organizations throughout her career. She was the first female president (1988-90) of […]
Sep 14 2011 | Posted in
Obituaries | By
Canton Citizen

The image of kids in summer evokes carefree, lazy days and nonstop fun, but as a group of St. John’s students in the Green Street neighborhood of Canton recently proved, summer can also be a time to make use of one’s talents and help make a difference for those in need. For best friends Eliza […]
Sep 8 2011 | Posted in
Features | By
Jay Turner

“In the end, no one will ever be the same.” Those were the words that appeared on the front page of the Canton Citizen on September 13, 2001 — just two days after the worst terrorist attack in American history. Even then, in the immediate aftermath of unprecedented tragedy and with the country still “reeling […]

At a Rose Garden ceremony in 2009, current U.S. President Barack Obama characterized the treatment of Vietnam veterans in the years following the war as a “national disgrace” and “one of the saddest episodes in American history.” Indeed, by the late 1960s the war had grown so unpopular that soldiers were often advised not to […]
Sep 7 2011 | Posted in
News | By
Jay Turner
Rather than complain about the lack of staff and insufficient response of NSTAR after the recent tropical storm, local officials have come up with specific solutions to help the utility company in the future. On Tuesday night, Selectmen Chairman John Connolly and Selectman Victor Del Vecchio asked Fire Chief Charlie Doody, Police Chief Ken Berkowitz […]
Sep 7 2011 | Posted in
Town Government | By
Mike Berger

Congratulations to the 2011 champions at Wampatuck Country Club. Club champions: Rob Barucci and Larraine Redquest Net club champion: Nancy Kilfoyle Senior club champions: Gary Howard and Sandra DuBreuil (Not pictured) Kevin Marchand, junior boys champ; Amanda Cameron, junior girls champ; Jack Goyetch, junior 13 & under champ
Sep 7 2011 | Posted in
Photo Gallery | By
Canton Citizen

Dance Out announces a newly expanded studio space and a collaboration with three local music, theatre and dance companies. Melanie Cox, artistic director of Dance Out, began her Canton-based studio in 2006 out of the Masonic Temple in Canton Center. Her studio has grown from just 15 students to 150 students over the last five […]
Sep 7 2011 | Posted in
Business | By
Canton Citizen