Man About Canton: Galvin to Seek Re-election
By Joe DeFelice
(L-R) Congressman Bill Keating, Rep. Bill Galvin (D-Canton), Yevgeny Guriary, and Rep. Louis Kafka (D-Stoughton). Guriary, a PhD student from Yekaterinburg, Russia, spent a month working in Galvin’s office through the State Department’s Legislative Fellows Program.
Canton state Representative Bill Galvin recently held his re-election kickoff campaign fundraiser at the Chinatown restaurant in Stoughton. Galvin, who is the chairman of the House Committee on Personnel and Administration, had many high-profile Democrats in attendance, including Congressman Bill Keating, Massachusetts House Speaker Bob DeLeo, Stoughton Representative Lou Kafka, and many other state and town officials. Galvin has been Canton’s state representative for the past 21 years and will seek his 11th term in November 2012.
The Rodman Ride for Kids recently held its 21st annual 25-, 50-, and 100-mile bike rides. Last year, according to Ride President Don Rodman of Canton, “We raised $8.1 million that will directly support at-risk youth in our community.” The Rodman Ride for Kids is the third highest single-day athletic fundraiser in the nation. Over 1,500 riders took part in the event.
Ashley Goldman and her partner, Ron Garber, competed on ABC’s popular show “Dancing with the Stars.” The pair has been dancing together for three years and has had much success, being crowned as the U.S. Youth Latin Ballroom champions. Ashley is the daughter of Howard Goldman, owner of Humboldt Storage and Moving Company of Canton and former president of the Canton Association of Business and Industries. Howard is also the organizer of the popular Reebok Road Race.
Stonewood Realty Trust recently appeared before the Planning Board looking for a flexible development special permit for a residential subdivision (for 17 homes) located at the terminus of Stonewood Drive, Albert Street, and Spruce Lane.
The average asking rent for apartments in Boston is $1,773 a month, making the city the fourth most expensive rental market in the United States. Only New York City; Westchester, New York; and Fairfield County, Connecticut are more expensive. Vacancy rates in Boston are only 4.2 percent.
Dr. Assaad Saya recently purchased the Interstate Towing facility at 2740R Washington Street. According to his attorney Paul Schneiders, Dr. Saya has obtained a beer and wine license and would replace the towing facilities with a 4,800-square-foot liquor store. Dr. Saya also owns the gas station in front of the towing building at 2740 Washington Street. A few years ago, he replaced the old gas station with a “beautiful” new building and, according to Attorney Schneiders, wants to do the same with the Interstate Towing building. The Planning Board has taken the project under advisement.
In a recent study, 903 Canton students in grades 1, 4, 7 and 10 were screened for body mass index, and 27.4 percent were classified as overweight. In Stoughton, 1,198 students were screened, and 38.7 percent were found to be overweight.
The study revealed that one out of three low-income children nationwide are overweight or obese before their fifth birthday, while towns of higher income have a lower percentage of overweight children. For example, in Brockton, a town with a median household income of $50,197, over 40 percent of the students screened were overweight, while Scituate and Marshfield — with incomes of $88,883 and $89,436 — had percentages of only 22 and 23. So, with a median household income of $88,034, Canton’s 27.4 percent isn’t all that bad.
Here is a statistic that is amazing: According to a 2009 report by the Massachusetts OxyContin and Heroin Commission, the total cost of substance abuse and addiction for the state of Massachusetts was more than $4.5 billion in 2005, 21.8 percent of the state budget. So that is where some of your tax dollars are going.
The Canton Town Club will present its second annual holiday party at the club on December 17. There will be caroling by the Canton Choral Society, dancing to DJ T.C. and food by Queen Anne’s. Tickets are $25 each or a table of 10 for $225. For information, call 781-467-9834.
Louise “Lou” Foley, matriarch of the Foley clan on Pondview Road in Canton, recently turned 85 years old. Lou had four athletic sons, all CHS graduates: Big Jim, Rich, Kenny, and Little Steve. Lou and her late husband, Jim, Sr., moved to Canton 50 years ago. Jim passed away seven years ago, and Lou still lives at the homestead. MAC wishes Lou Foley a happy birthday!
The cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service recently announced that it will increase postage rates by 1 cent for first-class mail to 45 cents, starting on January 22, 2012. Postcards will go up 3 cents to 32 cents.
The Postal Service lost $8 billion in fiscal year 2010, and according to government sources, the bottom line is likely to be even worse when the final figures for fiscal 2011 are released this month.
Remember: It’s not what you have; it’s what you do with what you have that makes all the difference.
This is all for now folks. See you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
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