More taxes not the solution
By Canton CitizenLook!
Canton, again you have outdone yourself, raising taxes while the country is in deep financial trouble. Where do the people go that have lost or almost lost their homes, or businesses? Does anyone care?
The 90K+ benefits a year given to a four-year employee of Canton is one example of the strangulation of the money that could have paid for a policeman, a fireman, or any other proper expense incurred by Canton. When the books don’t balance just raise taxes instead of trying to help. After all, the parents, who are both working, can put their children to work to try and keep up.
Try to be creative, be understanding; out of home or business equals broken lives and no ability to pay taxes. A properly run business knows to keep the paying customer coming back. Maybe, just maybe, it’s too late anyhow.
So Canton, keep being governed by the not so hidden powers that be and see what further damage can be done to what’s left of Canton.
Bob Corkery
55 years in Canton
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