Selectmen merge Police and Animal Control depts.
By Mike BergerSelectmen approved a three-part motion Tuesday night, authorizing the immediate merger of the Animal Control Department with the Police Department; merging both department budgets; and allowing Animal Control Officer Nadya Branca to become a special police officer and carry a weapon.
Branca has previous officer training and was an MSPCA officer before accepting the ACO position in Canton. She is married to Canton Police Officer Bill Branca.
Town Manager Bill Friel and Police Chief Ken Berkowitz enthusiastically supported the plan and said it would not result in any new expenses and could potentially save the town money in training and insurance liability costs.
Both part-time assistant animal control officers will remain and the ACO office will remain as part of the DPW facility on Bolivar Street, although selectmen said the long-term plan is to move the office to the back of the police station.
Berkowitz said the plan makes a lot of sense since there are many situations where the ACO and police work hand in hand.
“Back a few years ago, with all the complaints of pit bulls on Sawyer Ave., is a good example of all of us working together,” he said, adding that Branca’s background as a police officer is a “win-win for everyone.”
In other news:
* Selectman Sal Salvatori had positive news about the progress of repairs to Reservoir Dam on Pleasant Street. He said the Napleton Company — which transferred ownership of the pond and dam to the town at last year’s town meeting — has agreed to file a formal engineering plan to meet the standards of the state Office of Dam Safety and will file the plan by the first week in February. The state could issue a permit by March 1, and Napleton has already hired a local contractor to conduct the repairs. If all goes well, work could start in April and be completed by May, with the water level being restored to its normal height. Salvatori said portions of Pleasant Street may be temporarily closed while repairs are being completed.
* Selectmen Chairman John Connolly is asking for a formal opinion from town counsel on whether it is legal for high school students, serving as members of the Green Team Auxiliary, to “conduct a political campaign” in support of the Stretch Energy Code, which the Green Team is proposing for adoption at the upcoming town meeting. Connolly is of the opinion that it is not legal for a group using town facilities to conduct a political campaign. Green Team member Charles Owens said he mischaracterized the auxiliary’s efforts as political when they are in fact informative and educational.
* Selectmen neared approval of the town’s FY13 capital budget, which consists of $364,000 in cash capital projects and $250,000 in long-term debt projects. The debt capital submissions are $47,000 over budget but could come under budget if a Fire Department grant comes through for mobile radios. Selectmen did approve $36,000 for new meeting and study rooms at the library.
* The Canton Housing Authority has a vacancy on the board as a result of the resignation of Ronald Grinnell. Those interested should send a letter to either the selectmen or the Housing Authority office.
* Fire Chief Charlie Doody has completed a FEMA National Fire Academy course on executive development.
* Selectmen appointed Michael Brady as a patrol officer and Ryan Patrician as a firefighter/paramedic.
* Friel reported that it is the state Highway Department that has been conducting roadwork along the border of Route 128 and Greenlodge Street for its Add-a-Lane project.
* Selectmen approved a reserve fund transfer for the Historical Commission to spend $2,275 for a survey of the town cemetery.
* The town is receiving a check for $21,500 from NSTAR for performing energy audits at all town buildings.
* Selectmen heard a presentation from Eric Hove of the Metro Area Planning Commission (MAPC), who is circulating a review of the state zoning and planning board regulations for approval by the state legislature. Hove is seeking input from selectmen, the zoning and planning boards, and the building inspector.
* Selectmen held a moment of silence for Paul Cash, a World War II veteran who marched in 63 Memorial Day parades. “It’s people like Paul Cash who served their country in time of need and never asked anything from anyone,” said Connelly.
* Selectmen will next meet on Tuesday, January 17, at 7 p.m.
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