Canton Art Association Demos
By GuestAt the February meeting of the Canton Art Association at the Canton Public Library, featured guest artist Mary Rose O’Connell did a demonstration in oils.
O’Connell, a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, is a classically trained artist working primarily in oil, with a concentration in portrait work and still life. She has received many awards for her work, and her paintings are exhibited in many private collections.
The subject for the demo was a still life — a blue vase with a pale yellow rose, set up on a blue tablecloth with a greenish-blue background cloth.
The previous meeting featured local artist Becky Haletky, who did a demonstration in watercolor of an ocean scene from Clare Island in Ireland.
A resident of Pembroke, Haletky studied photography at Mass College of Art. Her favorite subjects are old store fronts and old buildings. She conducts workshops in Ireland, Italy and Greece and has won numerous awards for her work.
For information on the Canton Art Association, visit Check out this week’s Citizen for a detailed recap of O’Connell’s demonstration.
Submitted by Irene Kelley; photos by Ed Roche
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