From One Citizen to Another: Aggressive Coyotes
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
I would like to alert residents about the presence of aggressive coyotes in Canton. Around 7 a.m. on Sunday morning, February 12, while jogging along Elm Street toward Greenlodge Street, I was stalked by two large coyotes accompanied by a smaller one. I yelled at them, tossed sticks and a bottle, but they continued to stalk me as I moved along Elm Street. They stayed about 20 yards inside the tree line as they followed me. They were not intimidated by my actions and they did not hide their location — when I stopped, they stopped.
I went up Greenlodge Street where the two adult coyotes came into the street running right at me. I ran as fast as I could to the closest house and rang the doorbell for help. The coyotes chased me into the driveway as I screamed and waved my arms at them. Undeterred, they rounded the house, coming out the other side of the yard. As the homeowner called the police, the two coyotes returned into the street and ran into the woods. Thinking that they had lost interest in me, I continued up Greenlodge Street. I spotted them several more times running behind houses along the street.
The homeowner who called the police came out in his car to help me and several other vehicles came up Greenlodge Street. The Canton Police arrived immediately. All that activity caused the coyotes to return to the woods.
I would like to thank the Greenlodge Street homeowner for saving me and the Canton Police for their quick response. I request that the Canton Citizen make folks aware that these aggressive coyotes are in the area.
Be safe,
A concerned citizen
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