Man About Canton: Update on Reservoir Pond Dam
By Joe DeFeliceDID YOU KNOW …
The Canton Board of Selectmen has stayed on top of the Reservoir Pond Dam issue. Selectman Sal Salvatori informs MAC that the dam’s owner, Canton Development Properties, has been in regular communication with both the town and the state Office of Dam Safety and that CDP’s engineers are working on a comprehensive response to the ODS. Salvatori said that CDP expects their response to be ready for submission by February 15 and that the hope is that the state will be prepared to issue the permit by early to mid March and the CDP will be ready to start repairs by the end of April. The selectmen have said that they would like to coordinate with CPD’s repair contractor to minimize the disruption/closure of Pleasant Street while working to return the reservoir to normal levels before the start of summer.
The Board of Selectmen has asked CDP to show local contractor preference to bidders for the repair work, and the CDP has indicated that it fully expects the repair contract to be awarded to a local firm.
Once the repairs are finalized per the Board of Selectmen’s negotiated agreement with CPD, at the developer’s sole expense, the board will take title to Reservoir Pond, ensuring town control and town enjoyment for generations.
MAC applauds the selectmen, and Selectman Salvatori in particular, for putting this deal together and essentially obtaining a large body of water for public safety and recreational purposes with a fully repaired dam structure at no cost to the town or taxpayers. Job well done.
Canton eye doctor Alan Rapoport recently announced the opening of his second office at 1032 Turnpike Street, and he is taking on a new optometrist, Dr. Babbakov, to handle the growth of new jobs on Turnpike Street.
The state Highway Department has been busy conducting roadwork along Route 128 in Canton for its add-a-lane project from Route 9 to Route 24.
As of Monday, February 6, the Patriot Ledger will no longer handle the delivery of the paper in the town of Canton. It has subcontracted this work out to a delivery company called Publishers Circulation Fulfillment (PCF). PCF invited all current paper deliverers to stay, but at half their current pay. Now, wasn’t that nice of them?
Kelly Timilty, 49, an 18-year member of the Governor’s Council, recently passed away after a brief illness. She was the daughter of Joe Timilty, a former Boston city councilor and a state senator representing Canton, who now lives in Canton with his wife, Elaine.
Free tax assistance is available for low- to moderate-income seniors through AARP. Trained volunteers will be at the Canton Senior Center on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Appointments must be made in advance by calling the Senior Center at 781-828-1323.
Talking about taxes, Massachusetts homeowners and renters age 65 and older may qualify for up to $980 in cash refunds or credit from the state Department of Revenue if their property taxes (or 25 percent of their rent) exceeds 10 percent of their annual income, in addition to other qualifying criteria. You may also qualify retroactively for the past three years (2008-2010). If you meet the requirements, call the Canton Senior Center at 781-828-1323 for detailed information on the guidelines, or speak with an accountant.
On a sad note, Canton Youth Hockey recently lost a legend in Joe Comeau, who died on January 17. According to Attorney Glen Hannington, who has two daughters who played for Canton Youth Hockey, “Joe touched the lives of hundreds of Canton families that he and his wife, Andrea Jean, brought up to Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada. He was the architect of the so-called ‘Friendship Tournament’ with the Canadian hockey players. The kids were absolutely thrilled. To this day, I speak to many parents who still say how appreciative they are to Joe and his wife for giving them the opportunity to participate. It is times like this, unfortunately, when someone passes on, that you reflect and really appreciate one’s contributions and efforts.” Joe will be missed by his many friends and family. He is survived by his wife, Andrea, and four sons: Attorney George Comeau, a columnist for the Canton Citizen, Jeremy, a member of the Canton Planning Board, Jonathan, and Christopher.
Correction: The information contained in the last paragraph of this column last Thursday, February 9, contained items that were not factually based. The statement that Paul Alfano decided to “jump ship” after papers were pulled by another candidate for the Board of Health is not correct. Alfano had in fact announced his intention not to seek re-election at the end of the televised Board of Health meeting in December. Furthermore, Alfano pulled nomination papers to the Housing Authority well before Dr. Levrault pulled papers for the BOH seat. Additionally, the assumption that Alfano’s plans to run for a non-contested seat may have “backfired” does a disservice to the electoral process and those seeking to run for an elected office.
When enthusiasm and commitment take root within a project, that project comes to life, and on occasions, it is remembered for a lifetime.
This is all for now folks. See you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
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