From One Citizen to Another: Safety on York Street
By GuestDear Editor:
I read with dismay about the most recent serious accident on York Street and certainly hope for a speedy recovery for those involved. Those of us who live on or near York Street and travel it several times a day are all too aware that not a week goes by without an accident on what Canton Police Lieutenant Helena Findlen refers to in your article as a “tough road.” What more has to happen before something is done about York Street?
York Street is a major commuter route that connects two highways and several populous communities. The amount of traffic will only grow in the years to come as several proposed developments off York and Randolph streets are built. While the posted speed limit is 25 mph, I can assure you that not even the school buses or official town vehicles travel at that speed. Believe it or not, I have had cars pass me on that road! Clearly taking personal responsibility for traveling safely on York Street is not working.
Here are some suggestions. There are several dangerous curves that do not have nearly enough markings/warnings. Perhaps Canton can take a cue from the upgraded Pawtucket “S curves” signage. There are also many blind intersections. Four-way stop signs would be helpful at those, and they would also slow down the speed of traffic throughout the roughly two miles of York Street.
I’ve lived in other areas of the country where speed bumps are used more liberally. Perhaps some strategically placed speed bumps would be helpful. Better lighting, particularly at the dangerous curves and intersections, is also needed. Lastly, sidewalks should be added. Anyone who walks, rides a bike, or even crosses York Street to get their mail takes a big risk.
It seems the answer to every complaint is that we have no money. I would challenge that the cost of some of these suggestions is considerably less than the cost of responding to the weekly accidents that occur on York Street.
Linda Sullivan
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