MAC: Lions Club’s 35th Annual Pancake Breakfast
By Joe DeFeliceDID YOU KNOW …
The Canton Lions Club will hold its 35th annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 22, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Canton American Legion Hall. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children. Proceeds will go to benefit eye research and blindness prevention as well as other Lions’ charities.
Canton voters rejected, by a fairly wide margin (753-539), the Community Preservation Act (CPA). Passage of the CPA would have resulted in a 1 percent increase in property tax bills, a sum that the state would have matched up to 25 percent. However, as one voter told MAC, “The CPA is nothing more than another tax. No matter what you call it, how you cut it, or how you spend it, we already have more than enough taxes.” The political action committee Voters for the Preservation of Canton put up a good fight for the CPA, but they could not overcome the current economy with its unstable real estate market, a surtax that is not tax-deductible, families with many high expenses, and seniors and others who are struggling to get by on fixed incomes.
Only 1,360 voters went to the polls in the recent town election. That is less than 10 percent of the 14,500 registered voters. While 1,332 voters came out to the polls to vote on the CPA tax, only 1,078 voters marked the ballot on the only race for a seat on the Housing Authority, leaving 282 blanks. It seems voters were more interested in their taxes than the seat on the Housing Authority.
The overall town budget is built on a ratio of 65 percent for the schools and 35 percent for municipal operations, which include police, fire, DPW, library, and other town departments.
The town of Stoughton recently purchased the 97-acre Glen Echo property for $1.2 million with Community Preservation Act money. The border between Stoughton and Canton runs through the middle of Glen Echo Pond. Of the 97 acres purchased by the town of Stoughton, about 2.5 acres of the land is actually in Canton.
Towns that have already received, or will soon receive, a piece of steel from the World Trade Center include Abington, Canton, Hanson, Kingston, and Plymouth. Since 2009, the New York Port Authority has given out nearly 1,500 pieces of steel from the wreckage of the twin towers to municipalities, police and fire departments, and nonprofits in all 50 states.
The 11th annual Dean S. Luce Fun Run will be held on Sunday, May 6, starting at 10 a.m. at the Luce Elementary School on Independence Street. There will be a half mile and mile kids’ run and the always-challenging 5K run. There will be family entertainment, raffles, a DJ, a complimentary cookout, and free t-shirts to those who pre-register. Further details can be found at
Tony Andreotti is president of the St. John School Foundation. The foundation was established 26 years ago as a means to fund the St. John School’s extraordinary expenses not included in their budget. Donations can be sent to the St. John School Foundation, P.O. Box 604, Canton, MA 02021.
The American Legion Post 24 Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, May 14. Players, teams, and sponsors are needed. For information, call the Legion at 781-828-9766.
The median age of the residents in the United States is 37.
The state House of Representatives recently gave initial approval to a bill allowing customers at taverns, clubs, and VFW halls to take home any unused portion of a bottle of wine purchased but not totally consumed. Current law allows this practice by patrons of restaurants and hotels.
Pope Benedict XVI turned 85 on April 16.
The MBTA plans to keep the Cobb’s Corner to Mattapan bus route and the commuter rail service on the Providence and Stoughton/Canton lines at the same levels of service until July 1, 2013, but the fares will dramatically increase.
A reminder: The Canton High Alumni Association’s fourth annual Trivia Night with Gary Titus will be held on Friday, April 20, at 7 p.m. at the Canton Town Club. Light refreshments will be available. Tickets are $10, and since last year’s trivia night was a sellout, MAC recommends you call Tula at 781-341-0935 to reserve your place.
Despite a population of over one billion, China has only about 200 family names.
You learn something every day … if you pay attention.
This is all for now folks. See you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
Click here to read MAC’s response to the IBEW on the solar farm issue.
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