Archive for: April, 2012

Voters oppose CPA, elect McSweeney

A grassroots effort to make Canton the latest beneficiary of the state’s Community Preservation Act (CPA) came up short at the polls on Tuesday as voters said “no” to a proposed ballot question by a fairly wide margin.

News briefs: New rash of car breaks reported

Even though Canton police recently solved a major case of home and car breaks, a new rash was reported last week, particularly last Monday night and Tuesday and again from Thursday night to Friday morning. Six car breaks were reported on Tuesday, including two on Wheeler Circle and others in the areas of Diana Drive […]

JFK student to shave head to help kids with cancer

Orthodontists Dr. Robert Chavez and Dr. Andrew Chase offer their patients OrthoReward points toward prizes for doing good deeds in the community. But it’s not the points that drive most people to help others. One of their

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