The Board of Library Trustees is asking for your advice in planning for library services that will meet Canton’s needs in the coming years. We are gathering input with a Library Community Survey that is available on the library’s website or in print at the library and Town Hall.
Apr 4 2012 | Posted in
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Deborah Kreusch, president and CEO of Canton Co-operative Bank, has announced that Daniel J. Erickson has joined the local, independent bank’s board of directors. “Dan Erickson is dedicated to the town of Canton and very interested in seeing vibrant, Canton area-based businesses succeed here,” Kreusch said. “We are delighted to have a person of his […]
Apr 4 2012 | Posted in
Business | By
Canton Citizen
DID YOU KNOW … MAC recently received an interesting postcard in the mail informing him that there is a “time bomb” in Canton and quickly noticed that this postcard was a political piece sent out by the IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers). MAC believes that the IBEW is simply unhappy because they bid on […]
Dear Editor and Bulldog Supporters: This is a public letter of thanks to the “retiring” members of the CHS Athletic Booster Club’s Executive Board for their four years of hard work establishing an amazing unified booster group for the student-athletes of Canton High School. Thank you President Julie Malloy, Vice President Anne Murray, Secretary Marge […]
Dear Editor: Since January, when I learned of the potential draconian fare hikes and service cuts proposed by the MBTA for Canton, I went to MBTA public hearings on the changes, wrote emails, sent a seven-page letter to the MBTA Fare Proposal Committee, and advocated in many areas to keep commuter rail and the Cobb’s […]
Dear Editor: We would like to express our gratitude to all those who made the recent Canton High School varsity vs. “old timers” hockey game such a success. Proceeds for this event support the high school scholarship fund set up in memory of our son Scott. We appreciate the ongoing strong support from the community, […]
Ruby M. Widberg (Johnson), 94, of Canton, passed away April 2 at home surrounded by her loving family. Born and raised in Canton, she was a lifelong resident of Canton. She graduated from Canton High School in 1934 and was a member of the field hockey team. She was a former member of the Canton […]
Apr 4 2012 | Posted in
Obituaries | By
Canton Citizen
Euthemia “Effie” Gefteas (Noukas), 66, of Canton, daughter of the late Demitrios and Panagiou Noukas, passed away March 29, 2012, following a long illness. Born in Greece, Effie immigrated to the United States in 1952. She was raised in Haverhill, where she attended local schools. She graduated from Mass College of Art with a teaching […]
Apr 4 2012 | Posted in
Obituaries | By
Canton Citizen
Earle B. White Jr., 80, of Canton, passed away March 28 at the Kindred Transitional Care Center in Franklin. Born and raised in Newton, he graduated from Newton High School. He was an Army veteran of the Korean War and was awarded a Purple Heart and two Bronze Stars for his service to the country. […]
Apr 4 2012 | Posted in
Obituaries | By
Canton Citizen
Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Canton Writes short story and poetry contest, sponsored by the Canton Cultural Council, the Friends of the Canton Public Library, and the Canton Citizen. Entries were judged anonymously by Canton authors Rebecca Hayes, Gregory Mone, Beverly Beckham, Bernard Mendillo, Betsy Sternman, Mary Ann Trupe, Joan Halperin, Deb Sundin, […]