Canton honors fallen in annual Memorial Day event
By Mary Ann Price
Brian O’Malley drives WWII veterans George McPhail and John Jennison, co-grand marshals (back l-r) and WWII veteran Edwin Hammond. (Mary Ellen Cahill photo)
Service and remembrance were the themes of Monday’s Memorial Day ceremony as speaker after speaker urged those in attendance to express their gratitude to the men and women who served in the military. Guest speaker Bob DeYeso Jr., a colonel in the U.S. Army, told the crowd that he was very happy to be back in his hometown for those reasons.
“Canton, a town of service, that’s our legacy,” said DeYeso. “Any soldier who has ever been in combat has asked, ‘Don’t forget us.’ If you see them, thank them.”
DeYeso had marched earlier in the morning in the parade from Canton High School to the town cemetery with his father, World War II Army veteran Bob DeYeso Sr.
Retired Massachusetts Army National Guard Colonel Frank LaBollita served as the emcee for the program, while World War II veterans George MacPhail (Marines) and John Jennison (Coast Guard) were honored as the co-grand marshals. LaBollita asked the members of the Greatest Generation, the veterans of WWII, to stand and be acknowledged.
The Rev. Michael F. McLellan, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Church, spoke of service in his invocation.
“Greater love hath no man, or woman,” he said, tweaking the Scripture verse, “than to lay down their life for another.”
State Representative William Galvin described Memorial Day as the unofficial start to summer and a time for beach outings and family cookouts. “Let us never forget we have the freedom to do any of those things,” he said, “because of our servicemen who have given their lives.”
Selectmen Chairman Bob Burr said that communities are known for their strengths. “In Canton,” he said, “it’s the veterans’ program and this event.” Burr asked Veterans Agent Tony Andreotti — the winner of this year’s Dr. Richard Elkort Citizen of the Year award — to stand and be recognized for his contributions to the town.
Galvin Middle School eighth graders Ben Berkowitz, Melody Demas, Janet Johnson, Grayson Terry, Allison Cullera, Mike Noone and Tristan Cahill from Elaine McCarthy’s class shared original poems and essays as well as those of other writers. Cahill spoke directly to the veterans, saying, “We understand what you have done and hope to follow your example.”
Veteran Fred Gladstone introduced the Girls State and Boys State winners from Canton High School. The four juniors who were selected — Bethany Kelly, Gianna Sapounakis, Conor O’Brien, and Kyle Hanscom — will spend a week this summer in a leadership program at Stonehill College.
As the program closed, veteran Tom Jenkins recited the Gettysburg Address from memory. Ann Galvin played the guitar and led the attendees in “My Country, ’Tis of Thee,” “I’m Proud to be an American,” and “God Bless America.”
Gladstone thanked the cemetery crew, Police Chief Ken Berkowitz, Fire Chief Charlie Doody, the American Legion and CHS bands, and the members of the Edward J. Beatty Post #24, the Ladies’ Auxiliary, and the Sons of the American Legion for their efforts in preparing the ceremony.
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