Memorial Day Parade
By Canton CitizenThe town of Canton held its annual Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 28, followed by a moving remembrance ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park in the Canton Corner Cemetery.
Photo 1: The American Legion Band leads the parade down Washington Street.
Photo 2: Spectators applaud as the parade passes First Parish Church.
Photo 3: Col. Robert L. DeYeso Jr. U.S. Army; his sister Denise Thornton, his father, Sgt. Robert DeYeso, WWII veteran, and his mother, Carol
Photo 4: The Stubelis sisters: Noelle, Katie and Abigail with their dog, Mitch
Photo 5: Liam Doherty, Brayden Dickie, Jackson Maffeo, Alexa Maffeo, Rose Doherty, Nicole Phaneuf, Ella Weddleton, Olivia Maffeo, Tommy Phaneuf; (in the back) Michaela Dickie, Emily Weddleton (in carriage)
All photos by Mary Ellen Cahill
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