Zysman named president of local HFMA chapter


Roberta S. Zysman of Canton was recently installed as president of the MA-RI chapter of Healthcare Financial Management Association, which provides professional development, education, information, networking, collaboration and leadership opportunities to members in the field of health care financial management throughout the country.

Roberta Zysman receives the presidential gavel from former chapter President Jeffrey Dykens.

HMFA nationally has over 39,000 members and is a respected “thought leader” regarding leading trends and issues facing healthcare finance. The MA-RI chapter is one of the largest of the 68 chapters in the association, with over 1,250 members.

Zysman comes to this position as an experienced health care executive. She is currently the executive director of the Beth Israel Deaconess Physician Organization, a value-based physician network and managed care services organization affiliated with the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. In this role, she manages a large network of nearly 1,800 physicians.

Previous to this, Zysman was the director of hospital relations and provider network services for Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. She started her health care management career at Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge and holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Boston University.

“I am honored to serve the members of MA-RI HFMA,” said Zysman. “It is an organization that provides much value to its members who serve in many health care management capacities and healthcare-related fields.

“Healthcare financing, at this point in time, is the subject of legislation, discussion, and even Supreme Court decisions, and every person in our state is affected by efforts to contain costs while providing quality medical care. HFMA supports this goal and works to educate, inform, and support industry thought leaders, and I look forward to making a contribution to this worthwhile organization.”

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