Plans announced for Pleasant St. road closures
By Mike BergerJ D’Amico of Randolph, the contractor hired by selectmen and the Napleton Company to repair the Reservoir Pond dam, met with police, fire, and DPW officials last week to map out a construction plan, which will involve closing a section of Pleasant Street near the pond for portions of the day. Dam repairs will officially begin on Monday, July 16. The plan calls for traffic on Pleasant Street to be detoured via Washington and Sherman streets during weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; however, Pleasant Street would be open to through traffic at 4:30 p.m. each day and on weekends, and at all times for emergency vehicles and school buses. This traffic plan, which is subject to final approval by selectmen, would take effect July 16 and last through August 10. Final cleanup of the project is scheduled through August 27.
Fire Dept. implements new medical dispatch program
All members of the Fire Department staff, including all officers, firefighters and EMTs, have been trained and are now implementing a new communications program that provides medical instructions over the phone to callers who request emergency aid for themselves or others. All communities were given government grants to implement this new 911 program, known as Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD), which went into effect July 1. “Time is of the essence until the first EMTs arrive,” noted Fire Lt. Brian Marshall. “If we can give information to the caller or help the caller with questions, this is a good thing.”
Police chief aids in scrap metal arrest
Police Chief Ken Berkowitz noticed some suspicious activity outside Kessler Machine Works on Neponset Street at 8:07 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27, when he saw two men putting metal into plastic bags. Officers responded and arrested Matthew Bresnahan, 21, of 4 Neponset Place, who was charged with larceny from a building. Canton police have made several arrests this year for the theft of scrap metal, which is a precious commodity in today’s market.
Police make 2 separate drug arrests
Following a motor vehicle stop for a headlight violation on Pleasant Street, police found three small bags of marijuana in a backpack shortly after 11 p.m. on Monday, June 25. Police arrested William Pedro, 18, of Stoughton, and charged him with possession of a Class D drug with intent to distribute.
In a separate incident, Canton police assisted Massasoit Community College police in the arrest of an 18-year-old Canton man on Wednesday, June 27, at 8:20 p.m. Edward H. Forsyth of 798 Turnpike Street was charged with conspiracy to violate a drug law, possession with intent to distribute a Class D drug, and carrying a dangerous weapon on school grounds.
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