Legion Post 24 team falls out of playoff contention


With three losses last week, the Canton American Legion Post 24 baseball team has fallen out of the District 6 playoff hunt.

Source: eteamz.com/cantonlegion

Canton lost to Medfield 8-4 at home and were defeated by Needham 18-3 and edged by Brookline 6-5 in two away games.

As of Monday the team was in seventh place in the West Division at 8-12 with only two games remaining: home versus Norwood and at Westwood. The top five teams advance to the district playoffs.

In a key game against Medfield last Monday, Canton appeared to have all the momentum after taking a 4-2 lead in the fourth inning with RBIs by Justin Rudy, Nate Pedersen, and Matt Potts.

But Medfield put together a four-run rally off pitcher Dan Friedman, and then a controversial call in the fifth inning ended a potential Canton rally as the umpire ruled that a base runner interfered with a play at first ands nixed a run crossing the plate.

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