Where was the Democratic Town Committee?
By GuestDear Editor:
Elizabeth Warren came to Canton recently to speak in the Route 138 area. Not one member of our Democratic Town Committee was there to help us greet her. Why?
Disgusted by Scott Brown’s mischaracterization of himself as a good ol’ boy voting for the common man, when he has consistently voted against their best interests — and for Wall Street, Big Oil, and other corporations — several of us Cantonites are working for Elizabeth Warren’s election.
Our peasants, regardless of degree or income, are easily gulled by Scott’s lies. That “independent guy” is financed by the Koch brothers and other out-of-state big money. It was prophetic that he should be the centerfold for Playgirl, as he’s now the Nancy Boy for the Koch brothers and other billionaires. He is the ultimate actor, going from a cipher in the Mass. legislature to a Senate seat, speaking his lines as written by his corporate masters.
But again, where were the members of our Democratic Town Committee, who are like the Mafioso in their complete and silent control of our town? A worker for Representative Keating’s election, I asked one of the state Democratic workers why it was so hard to get a return call from our town committee, even when volunteering. His answer: “The situation in Canton is very strange. They are the only town in Massachusetts (besides Milton) that does not allow its citizens to elect their town moderator.”
Although a majority of voters in Canton are registered as “Non-aligned,” i.e. Independent, there is a gentleman’s agreement that the moderator one year is chosen by the Democratic Town Committee and the next year is appointed by the Republican Town Committee. No wonder I hear constant complaints about the clique that runs our town. Not very democratic at all.
Why wouldn’t the Democratic Town Committee come out for their own party’s candidate for U.S. Senator? Good luck, Elizabeth Warren. With “friends” like these, you don’t need any enemies.
Check out the Mass. Democratic Party’s website for a complete record of Scott Brown’s anti-common man voting history. Talk is cheap when there’s no action to back it up. But even if it isn’t, as is true on TV, when you’ve got billions in advertising dollars from the moneyed interests backing you and the voters are gullible, it seems to be easy to buy a Congressional seat.
Alice Copeland Brown
Short URL: https://www.thecantoncitizen.com/?p=15963