Selectmen to finalize public way acceptance policy
By Mike BergerSelectmen are expected to approve a new formal betterment policy at their next meeting on September 18 for those residents who are seeking town acceptance of an established private way.
Within the past few months, residents from Historical Way (off Washington Street) and Knob Hill (off Walpole Street) have come forward seeking town acceptance of their roadways. Final acceptance of these private ways is up to town meeting voters.
Town Administrator Bill Friel suggested that selectmen first require residents to sign off on an easement allowing the town to take control of the land and that a survey of the neighborhood be submitted to town engineers.
The number of residents that must approve these conditions is still up for debate. Friel’s initial suggestion was that 75 percent of residents must agree to the easement and to a betterment tax for up to 10-15 years to cover the cost of bringing the road up to town standards.
Historical Way residents, who began discussions with the town prior to the 2012 annual town meeting, are now in the process of signing the easement.
The Knob Hill subdivision, a fairly new development, still has work that needs to be completed. Planning Board engineers are currently working with town engineers to come up with plans to finish $115,000 in projected work, which will be paid out of a $415,000 surety bond held by the Planning Board from the subdivision developer.
After hearing the proposal from Friel, selectmen approved the formal betterment policy in concept but decided to deliberate it with Selectman Victor Del Vecchio at the board’s next meeting on September 18. Del Vecchio, who formerly served on the Planning Board, was absent from Tuesday night’s meeting because of business travel.
In another matter, selectmen were notified of another major paving project on Washington Street from St. Gerard’s Church to Route 138. Traffic detours will be set up at Washington Street and Adrienne Drive Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The project will begin September 17 and last until October 22 or thereabouts. The street will be repaved and curbs and sidewalks will be updated.
In other news:
* Selectmen appointed Stephen Landry and Ed Jastrem to the Conservation Commission. Selectmen received five applicants for the two vacancies and said all the applicants were well qualified to serve.
* Selectmen approved the change of manager of the Canton Town Club to Thomas Theodore and at the Ponkapoag Civic Association to Robert Sweetland.
* Selectmen approved a request to hold a block party for the 100th anniversary of the Messinger Street Playground between Messinger Street and Sheppard’s Way on Saturday, September 22, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
* The Edward M. Sullivan Water Treatment Facility will be dedicated in his honor on Sunday, September 23, at 1 p.m. with public walking tours at the plant and a reception to follow at the Town Club.
* Polling hours for the State Primary are Thursday, September 6 (today), from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
* Selectmen will next meet on Tuesday, September 18, at 7 p.m.
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