Canton scout organizes ‘We Can’ benefit concert


Canton Boy Scout Tim Zoidis is planning a concert to benefit the Canton Food Pantry on Saturday, September 29, at First Parish Unitarian-Universalist, located at 1508 Washington Street in Canton. The “We Can” concert and food drive will go from 7:30 to 11 p.m. and will feature several local bands. The cost to attend is free; however, a non-perishable food donation is greatly appreciated.

Zoidis is planning this concert as his Eagle Scout project. The Eagle Scout rank is the culminating rank in scouting and requires demonstration of leadership skills, project management, responsibility, and, most importantly, the Scout Oath to “help other people.” Recent Eagle Scout projects have included construction of an outdoor classroom and nature trails at the Galvin Middle School, construction of handicap-accessible trails and picnic area at Houghton’s Pond, and marking of Canton’s storm drains. Zoidis chose a food pantry benefit concert out of concern for struggling Canton families and his love of music.

The Canton Food Pantry provides free food to residents who have been affected by economic problems. Volunteers who wish to help their fellow townspeople by providing a basic human necessity operate the food pantry, which is stocked and funded primarily from donations. The benefit will increase the pantry inventory at a time when donations are lower and demand is higher.

Zoidis is no stranger to benefit concerts. He has performed with the bands The Eco-Project, Chuck, and the Canton High School jazz band at multiple concerts over the past several years, including Haitian Salvation, Haitian Recreation, Jam for Japan, and We Take Care of Our Own.

“I love playing music and I’ve always felt good when something I enjoy doing can help others,” said Zoidis. “For me, ‘We Can’ is a natural selection for my Eagle Scout project.”

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