Around Town
By Canton CitizenClick on the main image above to enlarge photos
Photo 1: On Thursday, September 13, fifth graders from the Hansen School Student Council delivered council-sponsored “Welcome to Team Hansen” bags filled with academic supplies to the kindergarten and first grade classrooms.
Photo 2: The Canton community honored two of the town’s greatest athletes — the late Ricky Shannon and Kevin Mutch — with a joint event at the Galvin Middle School on Saturday, September 22. The fifth annual Ricky Shannon Field Day and Mutchie Street Hockey Tournament featured a DJ, rides, games, food, and live entertainment. Field day organizers (l-r) Mark Grossman, Brett Rodman, Dave Rooney, Kate Cunningham, Peter White, Chris Shannon, and Eileen Bradley (Jack Beal photo)
Photo 3: Children play in a street hockey tournament at the Kevin Mutch rink (Jack Beal photo)
Photos 4-5: On September 23, the town dedicated its new water treatment facility off Neponset Street in honor of Ed Sullivan, a former selectman, ZBA member, and MWRA representative. (Mike Berger photos)
Photo 6: This massive American flag was brought to the American Legion for the Tony Andreotti Veterans Charity Motorcycle Run on Sunday, September 23. (Submitted by Ed McDonough)
Photo 7: Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt celebrated the grand opening of its 200th store — located at the Village Shoppes in Canton — with an official ribbon cutting ceremony and froyo giveaway last Thursday, September 27. Over 3,400 people attended throughout the day.
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