It was a study in contrasts last week as the red-hot CHS girls’ soccer team did battle with three of the Hockomock’s cellar dwellers, winning all three contests by a combined score of 15-1. Head coach Paul Turner described all three as comfortable wins, and that was especially true in home games against Stoughton (5-0) […]
Oct 11 2012 | Posted in
High School,
Sports | By
Jay Turner
Coming off a disappointing home loss to Taunton 10 days ago, the CHS golf team rebounded with two wins last week and improved to 5-3. This week the Bulldogs are setting their sights on first-place Sharon in a key Davenport Division matchup scheduled for Tuesday at Sharon Country Club. Last week, the Bulldogs went on […]
Oct 11 2012 | Posted in
High School,
Sports | By
Mike Berger

Take a walk with me. As the autumn leaves swirl around us, we will take the path that enters the Canton Corner Cemetery quite near the side of the Unitarian Church. The faint scent of pine greets us as we duck around the chain-link fence. Walk down past the stone receiving tomb, the crunch of […]
Nearly 26 years after her only son was bludgeoned to death by a fellow Canton High School classmate for no apparent reason, Jeanne Quinn still can’t escape the nightmares that haunt her in her sleep. Lately, Quinn has been tormented by this one particular dream where she is present while Rod Matthews, who was 14 […]
Oct 10 2012 | Posted in
Features | By
Jay Turner
The Canton School Committee will consider the possibility of establishing an annual flat fee for participation in all CHS extracurricular activities, thus allowing students an opportunity to join an activity at any time of the year. A fee of $50 has been suggested and would be independent of a sports or drama club fee. School […]
Oct 10 2012 | Posted in
Schools | By
Mike Berger
The black walls loom high above the street. Tattered white curtains flutter at the windows. The Hidden Hotel used to be a luxury destination for the rich; now the furniture in its lobby is covered in dust as the evening mist creeps in through holes in the walls. The hotel’s fate was sealed one stormy […]
Oct 10 2012 | Posted in
News | By
Mary Ann Price
The Canton water system recently violated a drinking water standard. Although this is not an emergency, customers have a right to know what happened, what they should do, and what the town is doing to correct this situation. The Water Department routinely monitors for the presence of drinking water contaminants. During the month of September, […]
DID YOU KNOW … It is amazing how observant some people are. For example, MAC received this recent email that read: “Has anyone noticed that the flags on the lampposts downtown are not the correct representation of Old Glory? The union (blue part) is too big, being eight stripes high with five stripes underneath. On […]
Editor’s note: Below is the third in a three-part series that examines how our local public safety officials cope with the stress that goes along with the job. The first two parts featured interviews with Canton police officers, and the third and final installment focuses on Canton firefighters. (Click here for Part 1 and Part […]
Oct 10 2012 | Posted in
Featured Content | By
Mike Berger
Political yard signs encouraging, not ‘trashy’ Dear Editor: I must respectfully disagree with the recent letter to the editor decrying the presence of political signs that have popped up in yards around town. I do not find them to be “trashy.” On the contrary, in an era of voter apathy, I find it heartening to […]