CPA organizer thanks community for support
By Guest
Supporters of the Community Preservation Act react to their victory last Tuesday at Town Hall. (Tim O’Connor photo)
Dear Editor:
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the voters of Canton for passing the Community Preservation Act (CPA). To the group of dedicated people who worked hard to get the CPA passed in April, and then pounded doors and stood on street corners to get it on the ballot again, congratulations! To the many organizations and realtors that showed their support through mailings and advertising, and to those in the media who ensured the electorate had in-depth information to consider both sides of the issue, I salute you! And to that small but committed group that met every week to ensure the campaign was a success, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. All of you made it happen.
To those who voted no to the CPA, I believe you will eventually become its champions. You will ensure that the projects that matter are submitted and properly vetted. You will ensure through your town meeting vote that the money is spent on meaningful projects. It will work because together we will make it work. We are investing in Canton.
With gratitude,
Deb Sundin
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