Whatever happened to truth and integrity?
By GuestAs a fellow citizen of Canton, I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Alice C. Brown for addressing the recent disastrous mishandling of the Knights of Columbus building via town officials.
That this building — so sadly languishing and much neglected as it already was — in dire need of numerous improvements was purchased “as is” is an outrage and a taxpayer’s horror. K of C’s many building problems were conspicuously kept hush hush. But it doesn’t end there. A recent decision to turn down the heat resulted in burst pipes and severe water damage. Repairs and updates are reputed to cost between $1.5 and $2.5 million! Talk about being kept in the dark.
Too many years have passed since we seniors have graciously listened and believed false promises from officials offering a new, much needed senior center. Are we to sit back in our comfortable chairs nodding our heads in quiet agreement with Alice Brown’s enlightening articles and yet do nothing or speak up? Is this all we are made of? Heaven only knows if our “sleepy hollow” town could survive a demand for pre-purchase building inspections and cost-conscious decency.
Don’t get me wrong, it is not that we as seniors are ignorant of the shabby and shoddy actions our town officials and boards have dealt us. Perhaps, instead, it is that our precious trust in our town boards and officials to do the right thing by us — after all, they represent us — has been replaced with complacency and lost energy. These last few years of chasing down dead-end hopes and foggy promises of having a viable senior center have left many of us depleted and sorely disappointed. Whatever happened to accountability? Where were the fundamental inspections prior to purchase?
Hey, here’s a new thought: In this new year of 2013 let’s be strong and forthright about decisions of officials and wary of limited intervention by seniors. Let’s refuse purchases made at the 11th hour by town officials. Let’s insist on meaningful meetings. Yes, let’s have input concerning the whereabouts, sale price, condition, etc., etc. Come, come, now shouldn’t it be our senior center, of, for and by seniors?
If we don’t stand together in voice and action like our brave and courageous neighbor, Alice C. Brown, then our present situation will surely continue to fester and history will most likely repeat itself. A renovated senior center by January — does anyone remember this? Please, fellow seniors, let’s show some sheer yankee stamina and shout “enough is enough.”
Let’s insist on integrity and scrupulous behavior in business transactions, if not across the board then at least for our little neck of the woods senior center. Lord knows we deserve better than this.
Mary Ann Kinnealey
York Street resident
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