California Dreamin
By Canton Citizen
Students on the set of “OMG! Insider” with hosts Thea Andrews and Kevin Frazier. Andrews and Frazier taped shout-outs to put on Canton Community Television promoting the Student Station.
Sixteen CHS television production students and their teacher, Ed McDonough, traveled to Los Angeles, California, last month to take part in the 10th annual Student Television Network Convention, featuring workshops, guest speakers, and a variety of contests.
During the week-long trip the students toured several studios, including Universal, Warner Brothers, and 20th Century Fox. They practiced camera skills on the set of Entertainment Tonight, met the cast of Nickelodeon’s “Wendell and Vinnie,” got a behind-the-scenes tour of the Sony Pictures facilities, and explored the Hollywood Walk of Fame, among other trip highlights.
They also met with several Canton High alumni who are currently working in the industry, including Richard Branca (’74) and Marianne Franco (’83), as well as Kevin Celi, a digital imaging technician and cousin of CHS School Resource Officer Chip Yeaton.
Photo courtesy of Ed McDonough
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