Recent Happenings
By Canton CitizenPhoto 1: Fire Chief Charlie Doody recently paid a visit to the Galvin Middle School Rainbow Cafe, where he cooked up over 10 pounds of his signature Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Ziti. Rumni Saha
Photos 2-3: Artist Eli Cedrone painted a child’s portrait in oils at the April meeting of the Canton Art Association at the Canton Public Library. Ed Roche
Photos 4-5: The Canton Recreation Department held its annual spring carnival last week on the grounds of the Kennedy Elementary School. Moira Sweetland
Photo 6: The winning team from the recent CHS Alumni Association trivia night with DJ Gary Titus: (l-r) Mike Conway, Steve Morin, Al Reese, Cheryl Morin, Cam Reese, Andrea Schmitt, Mary Davenport, Sue Rowan, and Trish and Gary Francescon.
Photo 7: Canton residents (l-r) Rachel Dooley, Catherine Song and Renee Dooley visited the Boston Marathon memorial on Dartmouth Street in Boston last week.
Photos 8-9: First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Canton held a candlelight vigil last Wednesday evening in support of all those affected, directly or indirectly, by the bombing at the Boston Marathon finish line. Moira Sweetland
Photo 10: A group of siblings and friends held a bake sale last week to raise money for the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy. They baked all day Thursday and sold all day Friday, raising $423. The group included Rose, Nikki and Allie Gefteas, Catherine and Lizzy Leonetti, Nikki Wright, Drew Giglio and Meghan Winkler.
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