CHS filmmakers win 5 awards at Hock Film Fest
By Canton CitizenOn Saturday, May 11, the Hockomock Film Festival held its annual Awards Day at Stonehill College. WGBH documentary filmmaker and former BU professor Gino Del Guercio hosted the event, which offered awards in the genres of documentary, drama, music video, and PSA. To enter, one simply needs to be a resident of one of the Hockomock League towns.

Back row (l-r): Jon Cattel, Katie Thomas and Ryan Sullivan; front row: Ben Wiseman, Daniel Sheehy, Joe Sabatino, and Steve Thornton (Ed McDonough photo)
Canton filmmakers took this year’s event by storm, claiming five out of the 12 awards. Daniel Sheehy and his crew (Nick Ciolfi, Kyle DelSignore, Joe Sabatino and Ben Wiseman) won first place in the music video category for their Canton High Welcome Lip Dub.
Wiseman earned first place for his documentary “Writer’s Block,” featuring Steve Thornton, Katie Thomas, and a cameo appearance by Ben’s mother, Deborah Wiseman. He also earned third place in the music video category for Flight Test, starring Ryan Fichman, Morgan MacIsaac, Sheehy, and Tim Zoidis.
Canton High alum Ryan Sullivan also garnered two awards, placing second in documentary and third in drama with videos starring Molly Chaifetz, Page Chaifetz, Jon Cattel, and Sullivan.
Wiseman’s “Writers Block” was based on the book The Short Screenplay by Dan Gurkis. Upon seeing the video, Gurkis, head of the film department at Montclair State University, praised the film and its creator, noting that Wiseman displays a lot of talent. Actor Steve Thornton also got rave reviews for his character “Average Joe,” who comically responds to off-screen cues on how to best write a short screenplay.
CHS TV production teacher Ed McDonough shared this video with other media teachers from around the country via the Student Television Network. Teacher Don Goble of Ladue Horton Watkins High School in Kansas City said he plans to incorporate it into his filmmaking curriculum.
Rich Hudson, a member of the Hockomock Film Festival committee, notes the reasons for the growing popularity of filmmaking at the high school level. “Educators are increasingly realizing that the process of making a film involves many important life skills, such as the all-important need for teamwork,” said Hudson. “These can be important skills over the course of a student’s career out in the workplace.”
Bill Ames, chair of the festival, stated that Canton had another impressive year of entries and that they look forward to continued submissions next year as well. For more information on the Hockomock Film Festival, go to
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