Guest Commentary: Time to Get Running
By GuestBy Melissa Mayer
The 25th annual Canton Fall Classic is coming Sunday, October 27 — time to get running. But how do I begin, a question that is asked by many when they decide to start running.
My best friend in the entire world tells people that the only way to avoid being hurt is to maintain constant contact with your couch. I spend my time trying to tell her that running is good for you and an inexpensive way to stay fit. She looks at me like I am crazy.
I started running in 2003, the year I met my husband. It was a way for me to get into shape quickly before my wedding. I have to be honest, I never really enjoyed running during the early part because it wasn’t something I was ever comfortable doing. I started to lose weight, feel better on the inside, and the competitive juices started to flow. Over the years, I ran a marathon, a couple of half marathons, and several dozen 5k races. I don’t have a ridiculously fast time for my 5k, although I am working on it. I don’t enjoy running with large groups, but I do like the beginning of every race I’ve ever ran. The excitement of the runners, the energy of the day and the spectators are incredible.
The first 5k I ran was the Canton Fall Classic. I heard it was an intense race and highly competitive. I made my husband-to-be and several friends run with me. I didn’t have the best finish time, but I remember the feeling of crossing the finish line for the first time and it was pure elation!
The Canton Fall Classic seems to be the first-time race for a lot of new runners. Maybe it’s the time of year or maybe it’s because it is a local race, organized without any hassles, but, no doubt, it always is a great race to kick off your running. This year we will be celebrating 25 years. Twenty five years in race world is a lifetime for a 5k/10k. We are excited to be a part of such a huge running community and hope that you will make this year’s race your first 5k. Below, Coach Blonder, who is the Stoughton High School track/cross country coach, has some tips on how to get ready for your first 5k.
1. Start with good running shoes. Buy them at a running specialty store such as Charles River Sports in Norwood or Marathon Sports (multiple locations). It is the most important running-related investment you will make.
2. Keep your initial goals modest. Aim for four days maximum per week and do not settle for less than three days per week. The impact of running on the joints/muscles has a cumulative effect. Often new runners attempt to run every day. Eventually fatigue sets in, and runs are no longer enjoyable and, at worst, injury occurs. Rest days allow time for the body to recover and the mind to rejuvenate.
3. Measure your progress by time not distance. Start with something that’s doable. During your first week attempt to run eight minutes continuous each time you run. If you can’t run that long, try for four minutes and then walk until you can run an additional four minutes. Each week add four minutes to the total of your running workouts. If you need to take a break during the time interval, time that and try to keep it to one minute or less.
Tell all your friends and family that you are planning on running a 5k on a specific date. It will motivate you to prove to them you can do it. It will also invest them in your efforts.
The Canton Fall Classic will be held on October 27, 2013. It is a beautiful, scenic course that offers both a 5k and a 10k. Register early to guarantee one of the coveted long-sleeve dri-wik shirts. We look forward to seeing you in the fall. For more information, go to, or visit our facebook page for updates and training tips.
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