JFK nurse praised for saving student’s life
By Mike BergerAccording to Fire Lt. Brian Marshall, the efforts of JFK School Nurse Susan Rogers saved the life of a male student who was choking on a water bottle cap that had become lodged in his throat. The incident was reported to the Fire Department on Friday, June 14, at 12:30 p.m. Rogers successfully performed the Heimlich maneuver on the student before the ambulance arrived. He was checked by EMTs and his parents were notified, but he was not transported to the hospital.
Firefighters, EMTs respond to baby delivery
The Fire Department received an emergency call for a woman in labor last Thursday, June 13, around 3:30 a.m. However, by the time they arrived at the Neponset Street residence, the baby had already been born. Fire Lt. Brian Marshall said the woman and baby were transported by ambulance to Norwood Hospital and both are doing well.
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