BOH seeking volunteers for Medical Reserve Corps
By Canton CitizenTraining session scheduled for Monday, June 24 ~
On Friday, May 31, the Canton Medical Reserve Corps participated in the Summer Fun and Safety Fair, which was sponsored by the town of Canton. Families were given the opportunity to ride ponies, participate in hayrides, and enjoy complimentary food and beverages.
Representatives from the Medical Reserve Corps were active in recruiting volunteers for this organization and received considerable interest from potential participants. Despite the level of interest displayed, the Medical Reserve Corps in Canton continues to seek additional volunteers.
The Medical Reserve Corps, which is facilitated through the Canton Board of Health, is a division of the Norfolk County-7 Medical Reserve Corps (NC-7 MRC) and is authorized by the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office. The MRC aims to ensure that the local community is properly prepared for disasters and other emergency situations. The Canton Board of Health will facilitate free training and information sessions for interested parties.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to give back to the community of Canton through bolstering emergency planning, adding to emergency response capabilities, and participating in public health outreach. Medical professionals who volunteer can provide an array of health care to those in need during disasters and emergency situations. Volunteers with non-medical backgrounds are needed as well and can perform a number of duties and may act as trainers, radio operators, and interpreters, among other possibilities. Time commitment and skill set requirements are flexible for those who wish to volunteer.
Volunteers often feel pride for their involvement in this organization. Additionally, involvement in the MRC results in a plethora of opportunities for volunteers, such as the ability to receive training in CPR, incident command, and emergency preparedness, among other forms of education. The MRC consists of a caring, enthusiastic community of individuals who thrive in volunteerism and the opportunities that are offered.
The Canton Board of Health will be holding an information session for those interested in volunteering. The session will take place at 79 Pleasant Street on Monday, June 24, at 6 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Interested individuals should contact Terri Khoury or Andrea Fantegrossi at 781-821-2942 for further details.
Submitted by John Ciccotelli, Canton’s Director of Public Health
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