Man About Canton: New Taxes
By Joe DeFeliceDid you know…
The Massachusetts House (105-47) and Senate (34-6) approved a transportation bill calling for $500 million in new taxes to address the many structural and financial problems that plague the state’s transportation system. The bill includes a $.03 per gallon hike in the state’s current $.21 per gallon gas tax; a $1 hike in the current $2.51 per package cigarette tax; an increase in the tax on cigars and smokeless tobacco; the reinstatement of tolls at Exits 1 through 6 on the Mass. Turnpike; a new 6.25 percent tax on computer system design services; and a change in the way utilities are classified for tax purposes. The governor was looking for $805 million in new transportation funding by fiscal year 2018. The new taxes will go into effect beginning in fiscal year 2015, which is July 1, 2014. It will also be indexed to inflation.
Canton’s neighboring town of Milton was recently named the 10th best economically “booming” suburban town in the state. Milton has a median income of $104,713 and a median home value of $483,300, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Former Cantonite and former Boston Police Chief Bill Bratton has been hired by NBC news as a news analyst. Bratton was also the former New York and Los Angeles police commissioner.
Selectmen recently appointed Stacy Gorman to the Canton Recreation Commission.
The Gridley Preschool program, offered through the Recreation Department, has been cancelled due to a lack of interest and participation. The program was facing a $10,000 deficit due to low enrollment totals and low tuition rates, which were expected to go up considerably next year. Parents had told the selectmen that the educational quality of the program was outstanding but agreed that the program was not marketed well.
Canton Planning Board’s new chairman is Jeremy Comeau, replacing Attorney Chris Connolly.
Hostess Brands was preparing to resume selling its iconic snack cake, the Twinkie, nationwide on July 15. It also plans to revive its complete line of snack cakes, which includes Cupcakes, Ding Dongs, and Ho Ho’s.
Stella J. Karavas, a first-generation Greek immigrant who was born and raised in Canton, is the president and CEO of the Pure Greek Olive Company. According to Karavas, all of the olives used by her company are grown in Lakonia, Greece, which makes the oil stand out from its competitors. She said that it is “truly extra virgin olive oil.” The olive oil is manufactured in Greece and is available in select locations, including Shaw’s in Canton.
Canton High School junior Erika Nannery, considered one of the state’s top tennis players, went undefeated in the regular season with 16 straight victories and reached the semifinals of the south sectional tournament before losing. Erika was named the MVP of the Hockomock League, as well as a Boston Globe, Boston Herald, and Patriot Ledger All-Scholastic. She will return as captain of the CHS girls’ tennis team next year.
Canton High School senior Pat Ward led the boys’ lacrosse team to an 18-2 record this past season. The senior attackman finished with a team-high 67 goals and was named this year’s Hockomock League MVP.
Milford High School softball ace pitcher Shannon Smith was named the Hockomock League MVP. Shannon capped off her brilliant career (85 wins and only four losses) by leading the school to its second straight Division 1 state title. She did not allow a run in the six state playoff games. She finishes as the state’s all-time leader in strikeouts with 1,206. She also pitched 26 no hitters with eight of them this past season and had an earned run average of .004.
Republicans make up just 11 percent of Massachusetts voters and Democrats make up 36 percent of the voters, while 53 percent, or the majority, are unenrolled voters.
The recently passed transportation bill requires the transportation department to set up a committee to assess the possibility of obtaining a federal waiver to allow tolls along state borders.
Life is full of decisions to make. Be fearless if you want to advance. Take risks to the limit you can tolerate, and you’ll be amazed with how far you’ll go.
This is all for now folks. See you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
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