Man About Canton: Where Did Summer Go?
By Joe DeFeliceDid you know …
Now that Labor Day has come and gone, I guess you could say that summer is just about over, and signs of autumn are all around. The weather is noticeably starting to change, and temperatures are starting to slowly slip downward, causing crickets to chirp a little slower in the evening. With their two-plus months of summer freedom over, students, dressed in their new school clothes, have returned to their classrooms; and most, if not all, beaches and swimming pools have closed until next year.
Tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers have finished ripening on the vine, and this year’s corn crop is now history. Summer flowers will soon be replaced with fall flowers, and it won’t be long before we will be wearing long-sleeved shirts during the day and sweaters in the evening to keep the chill out.
Even though fall doesn’t officially start for a couple of days (September 21), the baseball games of the first-place Red Sox now seem to be more important; and at the same time, we are looking forward to this year’s Patriots team.
It won’t be long before the leaves on the trees begin changing from green to more colorful yellows, oranges, and reds before they fall to the ground, leaving bare trees behind to cope with biting winter snows. While we can look forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and a few pleasant Indian summer days, we have to face the fact that winter will soon be knocking on our doors — and that is not a very pleasant thought (for some of us).
According to the state Division of Insurance, the average annual premium per car for personal auto insurance in 2012 was $942.
The Life is good Festival is scheduled for September 21 and 22 at Prowse Farm in Canton. Jack Johnson, Daryl Hall & John Oates, and Yo Gabba Gabba will headline the festival. It is expected that the festival will draw more than 30,000 fans and hopefully raise $1 million for the Life is good Kids Foundation to help children in need. Tickets to the festival are $65 for one day or $120 for a two-day pass. For more information, go to
Forty percent of the United States’ corn crop is now used for fuel. Gasoline contains up to 10 percent ethanol, an alcohol made primarily from corn.
Bids for the new Canton Senior Center will be put out this month, and renovations to the old Knights of Columbus building on Pleasant Street should begin early in 2014. The renovation is expected to be completed by the end of the summer 2014.
The new Canton airport park is nearing completion. The former Canton airport site off Neponset Street is being transformed into a multi-million-dollar public park. According to the state Department of Conservation and Recreation, it will include a walking trail, a small park area, a shaded pavilion, and a small parking lot at the entrance. The new park is expected to be completed by the end of this year. The new park will be named the 1st Lt. Arthur E. Farnham, Jr. and Ssgt. Thomas M. Connolly, Jr. Memorial Park after two World War II veterans and friends who worked as mechanics during the heydays of the Canton Airport in the 1930s.
Veterans Agent Tony Andreotti recently held a dedication ceremony at the Canton Walk of Honor in memory of William “Ginty” Weiderhold. A plaque was added to the Vietnam veterans’ bench in his memory.
This is probably going to surprise you, but the average work week in the United States is 34.6 hours. However, in Germany it is only 26.0 hours, and in South Korea, it is 43.6 hours. Four out of ten U.S. workers do not typically take a lunch break. Fifty-five percent take a half hour or less, and it is hard to believe, but 56 percent of Americans fail to take all of their vacation days.
Finally, congratulations to the softball teams sponsored by the Law Office of Attorney Glen Hannington. His Canton Men’s League team won the town championship, beating the Halfway Cafe team 11-10 in the seventh game of the best-of-seven tournament. It was the second straight year that the Hanningtons team won in the final game of the year. It was also their eighth town championship over the last 10 years. Attorney Hanningtons’ 55 and over senior softball team, Hanningtons of Canton, won the Bay State League championship, while his 70 and over Hanningtons of Massachusetts softball team recently won the prestigious Cape Cod Classic Senior Softball championship.
Remember, you first learn, then form opinions.
This is all for now folks. See you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
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