School Committee approves athletic fee discount
By Mike BergerThe School Committee amended its policy on athletic user fees last week by allowing families with financial difficulties but who are unable to qualify for free or reduced lunches to apply for a discount with the high school’s principal and athletic director.
The amendment goes into effect with the start of the winter sports season. Although the fee has remained stable for the past three years at $195 per sport, committee members felt there was a need for a discount for families who are struggling financially in the current economy. The amount of the discount will be decided by CHS Principal Derek Folan and Athletic Director Danny Erickson.
In another move, beginning next August, families who do qualify for free or reduced lunches will receive an option to donate a voluntary sum to the athletic department. Erickson said when this voluntary plan was implemented before, many families felt proud enough to donate a sum that the family could afford.
In other school news, Brian Lynch, head of the facilities and maintenance department, said a joint effort between maintenance workers and the Canton DPW this summer resulted in improved lighting in back of the Galvin Middle School. The lights were last installed some 15 to 20 years ago. Lynch said underground lines were replaced with new trenches dug by the DPW. In other building news, Lynch reported a new painted and redesigned Kennedy School cafeteria with the assistance of Food Services Director Martha Lawless and 22 new bathroom partitions at the Hansen School. Lynch also expressed his appreciation for the restoration of four custodial positions in the current school budget and said the schools were in excellent shape for the opening of school last month.
In other news:
* George Comeau, a representative of the Community Preservation Committee, will meet with the School Committee tonight to discuss use of CPA funds, and in particular the joint project with selectmen on the renovation of the CHS tennis courts. Committee member Robert Golledge said there are six projects that met initial CCPC requirements, and some of those could be up for approval at the May town meeting.
* Committee member Dave Emhart, the committee’s liaison with the Building Renovation Committee, said the BRC is ready to transfer control of the recently completed CHS addition and renovations to the School Committee.
* The committee approved a request from Rebecca Stiles and the Galvin Middle School to take a trip to Montreal for French program participants.
* The committee approved a 2 percent hike in the custodial building use wage, reflecting a cost of living adjustment in the school union contracts. The new fee for community groups who rent school buildings is $42.71 per hour for regular school evenings and $56.95 for Sundays and holidays.
* Canton Public Schools Technology Administrator April Goran and Curriculum Director Jen Henderson were special guest presenters at the MassCUE (Mass. Computer Using Educators) Conference. Both spoke about how technology can be integrated successfully into curriculum goals.
* The School Committee will next meet tonight, Thursday, October 10, at CHS at 7 p.m.
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