Guest Commentary: Canton Fall Classic
By GuestBy Melissa Mayer
I can’t believe the race is two weeks away. What was I thinking, signing up for a 5k? Four months ago, I couldn’t even walk a mile, and now I think I can run more than three! I feel too old to be doing this. I am over 40 — who am I kidding? I just hope that I finish. I have listened to my trainer, even though I’ve wanted to punch him in the face so many times. I altered my training program with weights and Cycle Fusion classes at Hub City (oh yeah, that’s a plug). I bought new sneakers weeks ago and scored a cute outfit for the actual race day. Canton Fall Classic is my first-ever 5k. I am excited, nervous, and anxious. What if I fall, get hurt, or worse, have to walk most of it?
These thoughts and many more go through the minds of first time 5k’ers. Everyone’s first race is always the most daunting. You show up on race day and think and feel that you are the most inexperienced runner there. You watch people warm up, engage in pre-race rituals, and all you keep thinking is, “What the heck am I doing here?” Trust me when I say this, you are not the only one there experiencing his or her first race. The Canton Fall Classic is many “first” races for new runners. It’s an amazing course, with just the right amount of challenging hills and beautiful scenery. And this year, the Canton Fall Classic hits a significant milestone — we are 25 years and running strong.
Each year we introduce new sponsors and vendors while continuing to celebrate those who have supported us for so many years. I hear folks call our race a true community race with a strong showing of local support from organizations like Shelia Donovan’s Pilates Studio, Republic Plumbing, Bank of Canton, and Living the Dream Auto Care. The support of local companies allows us to give new and repeat runners a well-run road race.
The race is truly a well-run outfit, with volunteers helping you at every turn. From registration to finishing, this is a family-run race that truly cares about the runners’ experiences — both first-time and the many repeats we get every year. But the Canton Fall Classic is not just about the runners and volunteers; it is also about the good of the greater community. This is our third year supporting the Canton Food Pantry, an organization that helps our residents put food on their tables. Each year, we designate a portion of our proceeds to the food pantry.
The Canton Fall Classic features a 10k, a scenic and challenging country course. The race has been hailed as one of the south shore’s finest — tough but beautiful. The 5k offers a competitive alternative for those interested in a shorter and faster race. Both courses are accurate, wheel measured with split time, and with water stations along the route.
Mark the date: Sunday, October 27, for a morning of fun for all ages. A kids’ fun run will start at 9:45, and every finisher gets a medal. The Canton Fall Classic will start at 10 a.m. It’s easy to register. Go to or visit our Facebook page. We guarantee long-sleeve dri fit shirts for the first 600 runners who pre-register.
If it’s your first 5k or 10k this year, don’t be shy — find one of our directors and tell them. We will be the ones cheering the loudest when you cross the finish line.
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