Man About Canton: Winter Parking Ban
By Joe DeFeliceDid you know …
December is here, and it is time to think about winter’s overnight parking restrictions. Town bylaws specify that all overnight on-street parking, longer than one hour between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., other than if acting in an emergency, is prohibited between November 15 and April 1 so that streets are kept clear for snow removal. Violators are subject to a $25 fine for each violation (that is up $10 from last year).
The Christmas Tree Association estimates that 25 million Christmas trees are sold in the United States each year, and according to the U.S. Commerce Department, 80 percent of all artificial trees worldwide are manufactured in China.
Lombardo’s Restaurant in Randolph again gave about 800 south shore seniors, many from Canton, an early Christmas present with its 43rd annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Dinner. Needless to say, the seniors who were otherwise alone for the holiday were very appreciative of the Lombardo family’s generosity. According to Paula Lombardo Colia, daughter of the dinner’s founder, Salvatore Lombardo, guests dined on 420 pounds of turkey, 300 pounds of potatoes, 20 gallons of gravy, 150 pies, and loads of side dishes.
The Canton Choral Society will be holding its 11th annual Winter Holiday Concert on December 15 starting at 3 p.m. in the United Church of Christ Sanctuary at 1541 Washington Street in Canton. The concert includes holiday favorites, a sing-along and refreshments. General admission is $12. For additional information, call 781-821-8860. Come celebrate the season with holiday and festive music!
Christo’s Restaurant, a Brockton landmark frequented by many Cantonites for almost 50 years (it opened in 1964), will close its doors on December 31, 2013. The property was sold to Massasoit Community College, which plans to build a $27.4 million Allied Health and Science building on the Christo’s site. The family of the late founder, Christos Tsaganis, plans to open a take-out shop, selling the restaurant’s most popular items sometime after the first of the year.
Talking about Blue Hills, Dimitri Revolus, a senior football player, led Division 6 in scoring with 154 points, scoring 23 touchdowns and eight two-point conversions.
Canton Fire Chief Charles Doody was recently chosen as the president of the Norfolk County Fire Chiefs Association.
Two Cantonites were honored at the recent year-end EMass Senior Softball League banquet: Cab Devoll was named the MVP of the 65 and older Metro Division, while Bernie Toothaker received the Heart, Hustle, and Attitude Award.
According to the Mass. Division of Professional Licensure, there are more accountants per 10,000 residents (75.6) in the town of Canton than any other town on the south shore. The state median is 14.3. This means the town of Canton, with an estimated population of 21,000, statistically has almost 160 registered accountants.
The Canton Community Theatre will present Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus at the Village Shoppes at Cobb’s Corner, next to the Shoe Dept., across from the Halfway Café. Show times are this weekend, Friday, December 6, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, December 7-8, at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children/seniors and can be purchased at the door. For more information, email
Nicole Hannington, daughter of Attorney Glen and Louise Hannington, has passed the California Bar Exam. Nicole will be practicing law in San Francisco. MAC congratulates Nicole on this accomplishment.
The proposed South Coast Rail, connecting Boston with Fall River and New Bedford, traveling through Canton, Stoughton, and Easton, is moving on the “fast track” as the state legislature’s Joint Transportation Committee recently approved $2.2 billion for the project. Environmental certifications were issued for the project to move ahead. Construction is expected to start in 2016. State and federal funding is expected.
The publisher of the Oxford Dictionaries, according to Britain’s Oxford University Press, picks a prominent word or expression in the English language each year that best reflects the mood of the times. The word of this year, 2013, is “selfie,” the smartphone self-portrait that became mainstream shorthand for any self-taken photograph. Selfie beat out other 2013 buzzwords, including “twerk,” “showrooming,” “bitcoin,” and “binge-watch.”
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently signed landmark legislation banning the sale of tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21, making New York the first large city in the country to prohibit sales to young adults. The Canton Board of Health this year also banned the sale of tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21 (effective January 1), becoming only the second town in the state of Massachusetts to do so.
New York also set a minimum price for all cigarettes sold in the city to $10.50 per pack.
Finally, for those of you who are curious about all those moths you noticed swarming around the outside lights at your home, the little brown moths with a one-inch wingspan are winter moths. Scientists believe they originated in Nova Scotia and migrated to New England over the past 20 years. The warm temperatures over the past month have evidently provided for favorable breeding and feeding conditions for them. These winter moths don’t bite or sting, but they are a nuisance.
To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult.
This is all for now folks. See you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
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