Friends of the library to host ‘Caddystacks’ mini-golf fundraiser
By Mary Ann PriceThe sounds of ‘fore!’ will be heard at the Canton Public Library on Sunday, January 19, when the Friends of the Library open the building to golfers from all over town for Caddystacks, a miniature golf tournament that begins at 9 a.m. Caddystacks is the largest fundraiser that the Friends have held since the gala celebration of the opening of the new building ten years ago.
Children’s librarian Ann Woodman and librarian Carolyn Elkort brought the idea of a mini-golf tournament to the Friends after hearing about other libraries that had worked with a company that plans fundraising events.
“It took off from there,” said Friends member Lori Fanara. “It’s a big, beautiful library with plenty of room for us.”
Friends Vice President Linda Berman said golfers will enter the library through the events door and go down to the lower level, which will house the 19th hole. The Friends will have finger painting and crafts in the Children’s Room, massages and golf lessons in the Art Room, and food, raffles and Wii golf games in the Community Room.
Volunteers will escort golfers to the course, which begins on the top floor of the library and finishes on the first floor, with one hole set up on a staircase.
“The company got a floor plan of the library and designed the course between the floors,” Berman said.
Golfers are encouraged to sign up for a tee time in advance at the Friends website. Walk-ins are welcomed and will tee off on a first-come, first-served basis. Groups of five will tee off every five minutes. It will take about 90 minutes to play the entire course, with the last tee time scheduled for 3:30 p.m.
The cost for the round of mini-golf is $5 per person with a family limit of $20. Food is extra as are raffle tickets. The Friends are going to raffle a number of donated items, such as a three-day kids camp outing at Ponkapoag Golf Course, four blankets from Draper Knitting Company, coupon booklets from Prestige Car Wash and Gas, and a personal tour of the State House and lunch for four with Senator Brian Joyce. Blue Hill Country Club has donated two prizes: a foursome of golf at the club and a gift certificate to the pro shop.
A number of local businesses are sponsoring a tee or a hole. They include Reebok International Ltd., Organogenesis, Canton Association of Business and Industry, Bank of Canton, Canton Co-operative Bank, Prestige Car Wash and Gas, Canton Dental Collaborative, TMurgent Technologies, and the Caprero family.
Organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Friends of the Canton Public Library is a group of interested citizens dedicated to supporting and enhancing library services in Canton. The group has raised money to fund museum passes, adult cultural programs and many programs for children, a book club, a musical coffeehouse, landscaping the library grounds, technology improvements, and much more.
Fanara said the Friends are hoping to fund a puppet show in the spring and are “looking into improving Internet service in the library.” They have also discussed funding an art installation to further beautify the library or its grounds.
“Money raised from the Caddystacks Mini-Golf event will be used to continue the work we have started,” Fanara wrote in an email, “and to fund more programs, keep buying museum passes, improve the library equipment, and will allow us to set our sights even higher in dreaming up and executing programs and events to benefit the community.”
For more information on Caddystacks and to sign up for a tee time, go to To sponsor a hole or tee, or to donate raffle prizes, contact Lori Fanara at
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